Saturday 5 October 2024

BBC broadcasts the whole of the Ayatollah's Friday Sermon!

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Imagine! And.. Shocking! 

The BBC perhaps is practising today what it will be forced to do tomorrow. By the expansionary Islamic Republic and its obedient servants now in Britain. 

The head of the Islamic Theocracy. The brutal state that brutalises women, jews, christians, atheists and Sunni Muslims. That says it wants to export its hateful Sharia ideology to the world, that calls for the murder of anyone who doesn't agree with them, and is hell bent on all of that, making clear that it's not just talking the talk, but very much walking the walk, bombing Israel at every turn.... 

.... this is the country, the leader, the theocrat, the murdering barbarous regime that the BBC chooses to highlight yesterday. 


Above: Alex Phillips talks to ex BBC guy Robin Aitken. "The BBC cannot imagine they are in the wrong. They cannot imagine that ideas other than theirs could be right". 

“Xena”. Around the Island Race, Hong Kong

Destroying the lies of Mehdi Hasan about Israel

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Natasha Hausdorff brings down the house with her powerful case for the existence of Israel. A debate back in June this year, but as relevant as ever. 

Note her four modern blood libels against Israel and the Jews. 

1. The Libel Israel as a "Settler Colonialist state". 
2. The Libel of Israel as "Ethnic cleansing". 
3. The Libel of Israel as an "apartheid state".
4. The Libel of Israel as committing "genocide". 

The link direct to the analysis of the modern blood libels bit is here

Thursday 3 October 2024

"Ajami": an Israeli-Arab film | Thoughts on Cultural Relativity and Cultural Equivalence

The other day Kemi Badenoch of the U.K., said that not all cultures are equal. That is self-evidently true. However, she got attacked by legions of twitterati, who c,aimed the view was “racist”. Of course!

Ten years ago I wrote a mini essay, which kind of relates to this: 

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Vale David Padgham. Skiing like an Angel

David and Steve, Shanghai September 2013
David was an enthusiast.

Everything he did, he was enthusiastic about.

He'd want to teach you. With that wicked smile. And quick, ready laugh. So charming. He was a real charmer. 

So much so that he charmed the HSBC bank in Hong Kong — its headquarters! — to give him a job. Even when he was put in charge of Trust business, but thought it was, like, truss, as in a roof truss. Yet he charmed them. He was enthusiastic. And he grew that Trust business. As I'm sure he could have grown the business of a home-builder's roof truss business, just as well. 

He loved his sports, and was good at many. He was more than good at skiing. He was great -- an Aussie Junior Olympic ski team member. 

When we'd finished doing a classic car race in northern Italy in 2005 -- The Winter Marathon -- we went skiing together in Madonna di Campiglio. 

David was surprised that I could keep up with him ... though he was probably at half pace. 

He taught me how to "Ski Like An Eagle". This was his term. 

It was really a way of doing ski-racing turns, but he turned those turns into the flight of an eagle, going from side to side of the piste, a circling eagle in the thermals, arms up, like the wings of the raptor, hard down on the weight-shift, drive the carve of the turn into the white air of snowy powder. 

He is our David, our wonder man, our lovely father, husband, brother, uncle. Our dear friend. This enthusiast. This charmer. This man … is now skiing…. Skiing like an Angel. 

Skiing like an Eagle, sadly past, too early, past for him. And too early gone from us. 

There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream,
The earth, and every common sight,
To me did seem
Apparelled in celestial light,
The glory and the freshness of a dream.
It is not now as it hath been of yore;—
Turn wheresoe'er I may,
By night or day.
The things which I have seen I now can see no more.

 Wm Wordsworth. “The Intimations of Immortality". 

Vale, dear David. 

Watching the Vice Presidential debate


And so far it’s a much more enlightening, civil and productive than the Trump-Harris debate. 

JD Vance did well. My guess is CNN are going to be pretty happy with Tim Walz performance. 

 Both did well, tbf. 

“Vance and Walz face off in, policy-focused debate” says CNN. Agree. 

CNN panel calling it for J D Vance. They think voters may score it a draw. 

My guess of CNN poll: 60/40 to Vance.

Actually: 51/49.

BREAKING: Iran attacks Israel, shrapnel rains down across the nation | the Israeli Guys

Click above for the video 
Holding a piece of shrapnel which fell in their home 
Amazing stuff from in the ground in Israel, near Judea and Sumaria. Israel is now at war with Israel. 

The biggest attack with ballistic missiles in Israel history. 

Not their comments on their immediate Arab neighbours just a mile down the road, in wild celebrations for the Iranian attack in the while of Israel. 

BTW as an atheist I don’t go for the god-bothering stuff at the end. It’s technology that’s topped the missiles, not the “finger of god”. But still, faith is important in this part of the world, and theirs is relatively benign, and I don’t mind it too much. It’s great to have voices from on the ground. 

As of now the only casualty from over 180 missiles is one Arab who was out celebrating in the streets of Jericho of the “West Bank”….

Israel “Red Alert” App showing Iranian missiles over Israel, last night (actually marking places under threat, not actual missiles):

Israel under attack : “history being made”

A changed Middle East landscape | Jared Kushner on X

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Tuesday 1 October 2024

Hamas leader was head of UNRWA teachers’ union | Dr. Eli David on X

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Bibi Applauded in Knesset | Raylan Givens on X

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Israel unbound | Victor Davis Hanson on X

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Real peace in the Middle East is possible | Brigitte Gabriel

Click above for the video
Brigitte Gabriel
I've followed for some years. A Christian Lebanese who cries for the destruction of her country. Which happened because of Islamist nutters, aka Hezbollah, who were born there as the Palestinian Liberation Organisation. 

Imagine what could happen in the Middle East, without the malign influence of the Mullahs in Tehran, via their proxies in Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis. 

Just imagine the peace. 

Just imagine the Blessing. 

That is the strategy and the vision of Israel: 

Netanyahu shows the choices for our world, at his United
Nations speech on 28 September 2024
This is the true choice. The real choice. The actual choice. Even if the person making it so clear and obvious may be someone that you don't like, like Bibi Netanyahu. Who I do very much do like, as it happens, but many seem not to. This is clear choice. 

The Black side is to choose the way of Jihadi Islam, of Sharia Islam, of Islam to conquer the world -- which they all say quite openly and repeatedly. It's THE CURSE. And indeed it is. Islam is a curse. 

The Green side, in Bibi's left hand, is "THE BLESSING". Which is what would happen if simply this happened: if the Muslims in the Middle East decided that they did not need to kill all the Jews. That the Jews have the right to their little patch of land. Only less tha one half of one percent of all the land that the Arabs already have. If the simply did that, then THE BLESSING. 

We should have been pushing this line early on. From the founding of Israel in 1948. Instead we got sidetracked by thinking that it was a land issue and that "Two States Solution" was a solution. It was not and never was and never will be. 

It's not too late for the world to come around to supporting Israel as the beacon of civilistion in the Middle East. All of the Middle East will be better off, all the people will be better off, for imbibing the culture of the Jews.

Live Breaking: IDF enters Lebanon


Interesting update from the northern Amman, Jordan, Chuck Holten.. Click here.

It’s CBN which is a Christian network. But that’s alright. They’re on the ground and decent analysts. And not too in-your-face god-bothering …

Recent IAF raid on Houthis in Yemen, 1,800 km away is a warning to Iran that they can also reach Iran’s oil supplies, 1,600 km away. So, say people, Iran won’t dare to attack Israel at this time. The Mullahs are underground, hiding. 

People of good will, of sanity and appreciation of historical happenings, celebrate the recent successes of Israel. The only ones not are Biden administration, EU, Gulf States and left wing media like Washington Post And AOC, Rashida Tlaib and The Squad.

Oh, and secular, liberal Israelis! Who wring their hands at “what might come next??”. Oh woe! No one thinks it’s over, or near over. A battle is not the war. It’s not the end, or even the end of the beginning. But perhaps the beginning of the end. Amd you’ve got to celebrate battles along the way. Without compunction and without qualification. 

The pundits got it wrong. They warned against taking in Hezbollah. “They’ll unleash hell”, they said, “thousands of rockets a day, for months on end. Will overwhelm the Iron Dome.” Well, no. Didn’t happen. It took a week to wound them severely. 

What’s the Pope doing? Not supporting Christians in Lebanon? The fast-growing Christian community in Iran? Iran! Not supporting the remaining Christians in Egypt? Instead denouncing Israel!?

While MBS, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia says “I don’t care about the Palestinian issue”. So much for solidarity of the Ummah.

“Sky News has lost its way” | Douglas Murray

Occasionally I am told that I go too hard on the BBC. It is an understandable gripe which I sometimes hear from disgruntled journos from Broadcasting House. So let me start by saying that, as an equal-opportunities insulter, I would like to put on the record how completely rancid Sky News in the UK has become.

To give an idea of where Sky UK has gone wrong since being sold, allow me to highlight one story as the channel reported it this week. After the targeted strikes on Hezbollah operatives via their pagers and walkie-talkies, Sky ran a story headlined: 'Hezbollah has been provoked like never before by Israel and may be tempted to unleash its firepower.'

That is truly fascinating framing. For it suggests that the terrorists of Hezbollah should be allowed to fire thousands of rockets into Israel with impunity, and that if Israel responds to this – even in the most targeted and personal way possible – it is being 'provocative'. Poor Hezbollah. It's just too beastly – can't it be allowed to fire missiles at Israeli civilians in peace?

Much of the broadcast media in Britain has been similarly skewy. The BBC news website last week led with 'Lebanon reels from two days of device attacks'. ITV News lamented not just the pager and walkie-talkie explosions but Israel's strikes on Hezbollah arms dumps. Presenting these as though they were strikes on civilian targets, ITV – in its own footage – showed the secondary explosions in the buildings Israel had hit. Which gives the game away, surely?

I have seen all this before. I was on the Israel-Lebanon border 18 years ago during the last Israel-Hezbollah war. Back in 2006 much of the media played the same game. Hezbollah fired dozens of rockets into Israel, Israel responded and before you knew it the world was running headlines about Israel striking Lebanon. I remember being in a hospital on the Israeli side of the border that had been hit by Hezbollah. There was no mention of this in the next day's media outside of Israel but there were plenty of reports about Israeli 'aggression' against Hezbollah.

That conflict ended with a UN resolution (1701) which was meant to ensure that Hezbollah would not be allowed to rebuild its stockpile of rockets in southern Lebanon. Over the succeeding years Hezbollah more than replenished these supplies. By last year the group that has done so much to destroy Lebanon – and to decimate its Christian population, among others – was estimated to have around 160,000 missiles in position to launch at Israel.

Labour and Conservative governments never had very much to say about this – and certainly did nothing about it. Under successive governments, people who generally enjoy talking about UN resolutions were silent about 1701. Hezbollah more than rebuilt its armoury, and then, from 8 October last year, it started firing its missiles into Israel again, keen as it was not to miss out on the genocidal opportunities opened up by its Hamas colleagues the previous day.

Over the past year I have witnessed plenty of this activity for myself. On a normal day a few dozen missiles might be fired by Hezbollah into Israel. On some days – like this past week – hundreds are fired over. This almost never makes the British news. But many thousands of Iranian-gifted rockets have been fired by Hezbollah into Israel in the past year. And all this has happened under the watchful eye of UN 'peacekeepers' whose effectiveness approximates to that of a eunuch in a harem.

Meantime the court eunuchs in the western media rarely mention that Hezbollah fires the occasional rocket. When they do they tend to suggest it is simply trying – utterly reasonably, of course – to target Israeli military sites. As to why Hezbollah fired rockets into a playground in a northern Israeli town, killing a dozen Israeli Druze children playing football, nobody will say. It's just one of life's little mysteries.

If there is anyone left in Britain who still watches Sky News then they will be almost uniquely misinformed about what is actually happening in the world. In the past week its crack squad of misinformants, led by someone called Dominic Waghorn and Alex Crawford, did manage to utter the word 'terror'. But they used it while referring to the 'two days of terror' recently suffered by the 'fighting group' Hezbollah.

I am sure Hezbollah terrorists were terrorised when they found their balls blown off by exploding pager devices. But that is probably one of the job hazards that comes if you make the mistake of joining a terrorist group and then try to wipe out your neighbours on the orders of the Revolutionary Islamic government in Iran. Decisions have consequences, and joining what Ms Crawford calls a 'fighting group' should be seen for what it is: a distinctly bad career choice. Worse even than entering broadcast journalism.

People sometimes wonder why the media in a country like Britain has gone so partisan on a story which should not be that complicated to report. A number of reasons present themselves. The one I am most prone to is simply that failing television networks attract less and less talent and that Sky, ITV and even the BBC just don't get the best or brightest any more. The idea that they have been 'bought' or compromised in some way seems to me a little too conspiratorial.

Then I notice that just about the only regular sponsor of Sky News UK is the terrorist-supporting slave state of Qatar, through its national airline. The Qataris are, of course, not just funders of Hamas but also hosts to the Taliban. But I am sure this is a coincidence and their efforts to provoke their remaining viewers into reaching for the 'off' button comes from ignorance rather than anything worse

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