Thursday, 29 April 2010

Open letter to Simon Crean on Sharia Compliant Finance

Dear Mr Crean,
I refer to the Austrade Paper “Islamic Finance” of February 2010.
I do not think the Australian government or its arm Austrade should be in the business of promoting any religiously-based financing.  There are a number of seriously problematic areas with Islamic Finance, commonly known as “Shariah-Compliant Finance”.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

"Muslims in Amsterdam", BBC's Heart & Soul Programme

Listen to the podcast here, and at left is the main interviewee, Fatima Elatik, Mayor of the Dutch town of Zeeburg.

My feedback to Auntie...

Congratulations on an interesting and well-balanced — well, relatively well-balanced  -- story on “Muslims in Amsterdam”!

It was good to hear from Muslims who, for once, did not play the “victimhood” card too aggressively and did not try to foist on us the old furphy that “
Islam is a religion of peace which has been hijacked by extremist elements”, or similar farragoes of nonsense.  Thank goodness for such mercies...

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

"Not even in South Park?", Ross Douthat

I have a lot of time for Ross Douthat.  He writes with insight and clarity.  I want to make sure his article below is here in full, just in case it gets pulled.  You never know these days.  The South Park episode from pre-9/11, sometime in March 2001 as I recall, is now no longer available online because Comedy Central pulled it, in response to the bullying Islamist at  What was interesting about that is that the twerp at revolutionislam is noone really, just a guy and a website.  Yet all he had to do was suggest that Matt Stone and Trey Parker might be killed, and Comedy Central stood by their guys' rights to freedom of speech .... "folded like Bedouin tents", says Mark Steyn, in his amusing take on the issue, here.  "They censored 'South Park,' not only cutting all the references to Mohammed but, in an exquisitely post-modern touch, also removing the final speech about the need to stand up to intimidation."
A key para from Douthat's piece:
This is what decadence looks like: a frantic coarseness that “bravely” trashes its own values and traditions, and then knuckles under swiftly to totalitarianism and brute force.
One conclusion he has is that
Happily, today’s would-be totalitarians are probably too marginal to take full advantage. This isn’t Weimar Germany, and Islam’s radical fringe is still a fringe, rather than an existential enemy..  
In this he may be underplaying the reality.  For there are large majorities (over 70% in the UK) who are in favour of Shariah law and large minorities (in the 40s%) who support suicide bombing.  It only took around 3-5% of Germans to be Nazi or of Russians to be Bolshevik, for those totalitarian states to take hold.

Now read on....

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

"White House quietly courts Muslims in the US"

A truly egregious piece of apologia in the New York Times, known here in Hong Kong as the International Herald Tribune.
I wrote to the NYT,  as below.  There's no chance of their running this as a letter or as anything else, but there's always the hope that sub-editors will read it and something may stick....

Ingrid Mattson, head of ISNA, at left in full clobber.
Read on, and learn....

Nazism and Islam

Bernie Planck has a post "Were all Nazis Evil?".  This reminds me that I've been meaning for a while to post something about what I call "analysis by coffee shop".  Which means: analysing what a country is like by who you meet at the coffee shop. Or in the taxi.  Or whereever.  That's all very well and useful, and right.  But it's not really relevant to the ideology of the state.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Confucius for the modern world

At left, a portrait of Confucius from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).  You can tell from the mug that he didn't get to where he did -- sage for the ages -- on his looks alone.
The calligraphy above him says, reading right to left, top to bottom
(my translation, so excuse the infelicities):

The spirits gathers from afar
The sage knows whereof all is come
the limits of heaven and earth
the passing brightness of the seasons
The Emperor sets an example
The Old and New in their place
Morality respects the ages
and The Way follows the Six Classics.

South Park gets death threat

One of the themes of what I say here is this: that the so-called "radicals" in Islam, the "extremists" who, we are told, "hijack" the Religion of Peace to the consternation of "moderate Muslims",  are in fact nothing of the sort.  They are mainstream pious Muslims who have read their scripture: the Koran, the Hadith and the Sirah (the life of Muhammad).  The Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said the same thing, commenting about so-called "moderate Islam":
"These descriptions are very ugly; it is offensive and an insult to our religion.  There is no moderate or immoderate [sic] Islam.  Islam is Islam and that's it." [Source: MilliyetTurkey, August 21, 2007]. 
But back to "South Park"...

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Music in Islam -- a no-no

This is Allah Rakha Rahman (aka A. R. Rahman, née Dileep Kumar), a "huge star in his native India", we are told.  Rahman converted to Islam when he was 23.  I always wonder about that: why do people convert to Islam, if they read the basic texts, the Koran, the Hadith and the Sirah (the Muslim official account of life of Muhammad)?  I wonder how they can reconcile the incessant violent, sectarian, supremacist statements in that fundamental doctrine, with the concept of living in peace and harmony with one's fellow man.  Ahh.. but then he's a Sufi.  All is explained.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Global warming: causes and symptoms

Letter to International Herald Tribune (the global edition of the New York Times) sent 15th April:

Monday, 12 April 2010

"A calm, credible voice for Islam"

Mary Sanchez has bought the Muslim Public Affairs Council line that it is anti-terrorist, a "misunderstood" representative of moderate Islam.  Her full article is here, and my posting to it below.
Here's a job posting worthy of only the most stellar applicants. In fact, only those rare individuals with near-superhuman powers to untangle the crossed circuitry in the American mindset need apply.
The Muslim Public Affairs Council is seeking "high-energy candidates" for a communications coordinator. I'd love to eavesdrop on those interviews.
"What do you believe would be the best approach for unraveling the misperceptions and outright bigotry toward Muslims that goes virtually unchallenged daily in the U.S.?" ....  (Rest of article here.)
My posting:
The MPAC is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in America. The Brotherhood has said:
"The Ikhwan [the Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions."
References to confirm my statements are from MB documents and can be seen at
Why would we want to play into the hands of MPAC and its supposed "calm, credible voice", when its aim is the overthrow of the US Constitution. Don't be naive, Ms Sanchez!

Five points to moderate Islam

Every now and then, in response to claims by Muslims that their religion is misunderstood, that it's actually a "Religion of Peace", etc, etc, Robert Spencer repeats five points for Muslims to make it very clear to we "Islamophobes" that they are indeed serious about being anti-terrorist.

He ran the list again today, and I wanted to keep it for the record.  It seems to me to be eminently reasonable.  It's in response to an article by Mary Sanchez headed "Wanted: a calm, credible voice to soothe Americans' fear of Islam". As Spencer notes:

Sunday, 11 April 2010

We live in the smartest place in the world: Hong Kong!

Just back from 1,200 miles on the South China Sea, a yacht race to the Philippines and back.  So, thought I'd slide gently back into Jihad-watching, with a bit of light reading, in the course of which I came across the figures below.  They are IQ per  country, showing a high correlation between GNP and IQ (0.73).

To preempt howls of protest about the various biases of IQ tests, I direct readers to a thoughtful article on the issues here .  These figures are from a study called IQ and the Wealth of Nations by Lynn and Vanhanen and there's a critique of this book here .

So: we live in the "smartest place in the world"!  Hong Kong, whoopee!  

There's another thing a veteran JWatcher can't help but notice: the high correlation between Islamic countries and poor IQ performance (these are marked in grey).  This is nothing to do with race or ethnicity, as Islam is not a race.  It does have to do, however, with the influence of Islam on the wealth of these nations: for in the doctrine on Islam, "innovation" is haram (forbidden) and the specific lack of -- or at least weakness of -- the rule of law (for the ultimate law is that of Allah), have surely contributed to their poor performance.  Indeed, the Arab Development Report makes this point, though only touching lightly on the issue of Islam.  For me, I can't see how it can't be relevant: when you discriminate against half your population (women), suppress free speech, are wary of democracy and free markets, and prefer the rule of Sharia to the rule of law.

Of course, I can see that not all the poor performers are Islamic countries.  There are many reasons for poor performance.  I just say that Islam is a key factor in those countries that are Islamic.  Or: being a free non-Islamic country is a necessary, but not sufficient reason, for higher IQ scores.

BTW: I did not know that the average score in the world is not 100 but 92.  Read the references above for a lot more about this complex and vexed topic of IQ scores, their strengths, weaknesses and biases.

Hong Kong (PRC)107
South Korea 106
Japan 105
Taiwan (ROC) 104
Singapore 103
Austria 102
Germany 102
Italy 102
Netherlands 102
Sweden 101
Switzerland 101
Belgium 100
China (PRC) 100
New Zealand 100
United Kingdom 100
Hungary 99
Poland 99
Australia 98
Denmark 98
France 98
Norway 98
United States 98
Canada 97
Czech Republic 97
Finland 97
Spain 97
Argentina 96
Russia 96
Slovakia 96
Uruguay 96
Portugal 95
Slovenia 95
Israel 94
Romania 94
Bulgaria 93
Ireland 93
Greece 92
Malaysia 92
Thailand 91
Croatia 90
Peru 90
Turkey 90
Indonesia 89
Suriname 89
Colombia 89
Brazil 87
Iraq 87
Mexico 87
Samoa 87
Tonga 87
Lebanon 86
Philippines 86
Cuba 85
Morocco 85
Fiji 84
Iran 84
Marshall Islands 84
Puerto Rico (US) 84
Egypt 83
India 81
Ecuador 80
Guatemala 79
Barbados 78
Nepal 78
Qatar 78
Zambia 77
Congo-Brazzaville 73
Uganda 73
Jamaica 72
Kenya 72
South Africa 72
Sudan 72
Tanzania 72
Ghana 71
Nigeria 67
Guinea 66
Zimbabwe 66
Congo-Kinshasa 65
Sierra Leone 64
Ethiopia 63
Equatorial Guinea 59