Sunday 17 January 2010

Former special agents tell it like it is

I've been saying for some time what those who read about Islam in any detail all say: that while there are moderate and peaceable Muslims there is no moderate Islam. ...

This is made clear in the interview last week by PJ TV in the US, with two ex special agents, of the Department of Defence and the FBI.

The former agent of the DoD says, in part:
Over a long period of time I ended up collecting a large body of Islamic law, an enormous amount of it available in English, and realized that if Islamic law is the criterion by which you measure legitimacy or illegitimacy, you cannot show that the moderates have a doctrinal basis for the position they hold, and you can’t show that on the statement of the law the radicals are wrong.  I was expecting to find a competing view that had some merit, I was expecting to find that the moderate view would be the dominant view, and that we could figure out what these arguments were so that the people in the Middle East could know what it was, and could not find it.

You can see the video here (thanks to ACT! for America) and the transcript I did here .