Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Islam in Norway

[Update 30 Jan: in Staganger, Norway, 90% of rapists are "non-western immigrants" (aka, in reality, Muslims, mostly from Pakistan) and in Oslo the figure is 100%. These are Norwegian police figures.]

I've been following the issue of Islam in Norway for some time now, especially through the writings of Bruce Bawer , who also writes on the US, as in this  piece recently about "All American Muslim" the reality TV show. [E.G. of Bawer on the Islam issue in Norway].
Norway seems to be concentrate the quintessential nature of the Islam-west tensions in Europe, nice little tolerant country that it is. It's like the petrie dish of the issues.
In this piece by "The Observer", we have an analysis of the nature of Islam in Norway and an examination of whether it is as democratic, open and pluralist as the Norwegian body politic and media would have its population believe.  The Observer shows that it is not.  In case after case, the Islamic Council of Norway, the largest Islamic organisation in the country, has come out in favour of terror, of the murder of authors and film-makers, of the subjugation of women, of forced marriages, of the whole sorry lot of Islamic doctrine and prejudice that are becoming drearily familiar in all countries with growing -- but still minority -- Muslim populations. It can only get worse.
About a third of the way down, The Observer says:
By scrutinizing the Muslim community honestly, and judging them solely on the views and positions they hold, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that they don’t believe in normal democratic principles, period. In fact, it’s ludicrous and very dishonest to even hint that someone who wishes to kill another person for having offended his or her religion should be classified as a peace-loving and democratic person.
And concludes:
When the Norwegian authorities tell us that Muslims in Norway are peaceful, hardworking, and democratic, they don’t really have any hard evidence to back up this claim. As a matter of fact, there is ample hard evidence and empirical data that can be used to refute all of their claims. The authorities’ arguments are basically empty shells, and will eventually collapse.
If time, read it all.  It's longish, but a sober and balanced assessment in my view.