Tuesday 8 May 2012

This is "Islamophobia"?? (aka "Bob Pitt is clueless")

Once again, this dope over at Islamophobia-watch.com, the "revert" Bob Pitt, shoots himself in the foot.
It's a report of some people who displayed "caricatures" of Muhammad, and Muslims admitted to be Salafists (ie extremist Muslims) riot and are violent in reaction.
But the response to the violence is not to sheet home responsibility on those perpetrating the violence, the Salafists, those whose delicate sensitivities are so wounded by a caricature that they attack others... no, the ones attacked are those showing the cartoon. It is they who have "provoked" the violence.  Or so we are invited to conclude.
Not me, Bob.
What you claim is crazy. It's even crazier given that the caricatures are, as the report itself says, of "a man said to be the prophet", in which case -- if it's not certain who is being caricatured -- the violence is even more irrational.
Go home, Bob.