Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Kavanaugh hearings conclusion: another case of two movies on the same screen

Blogger: Althouse - Post a Comment

I screenshot this comment to This Post on Ann Althouse's blog.
I too have noticed this write up of history. As Scott Adams says, we are often watching two different movies on the same screen, and boy, is this a case of that.
Here in Hong Kong we followed the Kavanaugh hearings very closely and on all channels: CNN, CNBC, BBC and FOX.   As well as taking print editions of the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the South China Morning Post.  In short, covering the waterfront in terms of ideology, or at least in terms of leanings, Left and Right.
We could not come to the conclusion above. And -- watching out carefully for our own confirmation bias -- we think the above conclusion is not warranted by what we actually saw happen.
For there is only one truth, not two.  Or, at the very least, only one that is more true than the other.  One which one has to lean to, if judiciousness is to have the day.
Nevertheless, this will be the truth for the Democrats.  Namely:
- Kavanaugh lied under oath- The accusation against kavanaugh was not investigated and was credible- Kavanaugh's behavior was not an ordeal and he was wrong to get emotional about it- The GOP has totally alienated women through this process- There is a republican mob [I add: but there is no Democrat mob]
By the way, Ann Althouse is a Law Professor Emeritus, and is my twin, born on 12 January 1950.
I love her blog.
She writes, she says, with "cruel neutrality".