Thursday 27 June 2019

Turkey's Africa Strategy Threatens to Breed Islamist Extremism | National Review

There's a big lessons here.  BREAKING: Saudi Arabia has been overtaken by Turkey and Qatar as the main exporter of hardline Wahhabism
My page of links, that I've had on Google for ten years has just been deleted by Google, for some unknown "violation of service".  Which is weird, as it's been there for ten years, and also all it does is keep copies of links that have interested me, none of them nasty nazi or anything approaching.  Just interest,ng articles. Go figure.
Therefore I'm putting a link to the Internet Archive and link to the pdf at Dropbox.
Saudi Arabia and its allies the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Bahrain may be authoritarian, but they do not promote and no longer tolerate radicalism. Turkey and Qatar, the world's only other Wahhabi state, are today the chief engines for Islamic extremism.