Wednesday 17 June 2020

The Data Are In: It’s Time for Major Reopening

Four studies on the effects of Lockdowns, both in saving lives and in economic terms, suggest that the current stringent Lockdowns that many countries continue to pursue, are not effective.
The studies are by:
  • University of Chicago; 
  • University of California, Berkley; 
  • Institute of Labour Economics, Germany
  • MIT
A pretty respectable bunch, then.
In sum:
Rather than validating draconian lockdown orders, the latest economic research on Covid-19 suggests that social-distancing efforts in general, and shelter-in-place measures in particular, have done more harm than good. [Full story here]
I did my own little study a while back, concluding the same
We here in Hong Kong only ever had a “lockdown lite” as I call it. No major closures, no mandated distancing or masking: these were encouraged, but left to individual judgment. Obsessive testing and tracing. And disinfecting everywhere. And now we’re pretty much back to normal.
And how have we done? We’re the gold standard. Just 1,113 infections and a total of four deaths. Way better in deaths per million than anywhere and now we’re pretty much back to normal. Other countries ought be studying how we’ve done. But they don’t. We’re routinely ignored. I guess because we’re China adjacent, and these days China = bad. Ergo, nothing to learn here.... Pity...
Meantime, I hear to my amazement that Australia is maintaining quarantine on outside arrivals and strict lockdowns all the way to September. That's a bit crazy.