Kamal attacks Joe for his 1994 Crime Bill |
Kaboom! Greenwald lands another big howitzer on censor-happy Big Tech.
Greenwald is a guy I used rather to dislike, as he'd slandered Sam Harris as an islamophobe. But he sure is sound and on point about the duplicity of the media, especially Big Tech. So much so that he left the online media company he himself set up — The Intercept — on principle because they tried to censor him. He now writes at Substack where he controls his content.
Greenwald is very much a man of the Left. This attack on the 1994 Crime Bill — a signature Bill of Joe Biden — comes not from the loony Right, but the bowels of the Left. And yet Big Tech is stumping for Joe by suppressing.
The key criticism of that Crime Bill is that it led to mass incarceration, especially of Black men. That was later admitted by the president who signed it into law, Bill Clinton. It was admitted by the current Vice President elect, Kamala Harris, in the Democratic primary debates.
But now ..... poof! ..... gone. If Google, Instagram, FB, Twitter, have anything to do with it.
Greenwald fights back:
A long-standing and vehement criticism of Joe Biden is that legislation he championed as a Senator in the 1980s and 1990s, particularly his crime bill of 1994, contributed to the mass incarceration of Americans generally and African-Americans specifically.
Among the many on the left and libertarian right who have voiced this criticism (along with President Trump) is then-Senator Kamala Harris, who said during the 2020 Democratic primary race that Biden's "crime bill -- that 1994 crime bill -- it did contribute to mass incarceration in our country." When Hillary Clinton was running for President in 2015, Bill Clinton, who as president signed Biden's bill into law, told the NAACP: "I signed a bill that made the problem worse. And I want to admit it." [Read on…]