Wednesday 25 August 2021

Merkel’s murderous mendacity

I’m just watching Merkel speak to the Bundestag about Germany’s role in the Afghanistan fiasco.

Addressing the issue of why Germany hadn’t got its Afghan allies out of the country earlier, she said “we didn’t want to give the impression we were cutting and running”.

But that’s exactly what she did. What Germany did. What American did. What they all did. They are all -- we are all -- cutting and running.

Of course they were all forced to follow the doddering footsteps of that feeble old dolt Joe Biden. Whatever. They are all they are cutting and running. Cut. Run. Before next Tuesday. 

Which will leave thousands of Afghanis who helped the allies to face the Taliban’s revenge. For many this means death.

Do for Merkel, saving face by being duplicitous has taken precedence over people's lives. Merkel is responsible for this. What a tawdry affair. What a disgrace. What a humiliation. Not just for Merkel, for Germany, but for the United States, for the imbecile Joe Biden. Utter humiliation. 

Oh dear…