Tuesday 30 January 2024

“America is neck deep in Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza” | Alex Lo

Note the emotive headline. "Neck deep"? "Slaughter"? Yuck.

In the article all Alex Lo's talk is all of alleged Israeli war crimes. Nothing of Hamas, who started the war, and have a specifically genocidal Charter.

Hamas, who have vowed to carry out a "new October 7th again, and again and again". Calling for "ceasefire" is calling for Israel to surrender. Instead of calling on Hamas to surrender, to release all the hostages. Which would end hostilities immediately. 

Lo may as well have chanted along with the Iranian mullahs "death to the Great Satan, death to the Little Satan".

The comments are also heavily anti U.S. and anti- Israel. 

To them I say: I presume you folks, readers of a fine liberal-left leaning newspaper, believe in democratic-liberal principles: respect for minorities, respect for LGBTQ+, freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of movement, freedom of assembly, democratic choice of political leaders. And so on…. Yes, right? 

In that case when it's a choice of Hamas vs Israel, the choice is clear. 

Israel is the only — the ONLY — country in the Middle East that upholds all of these liberal principles. Hamas specifically repudiates them all. Read its Charter. Yet you fine liberals hate in the Jews and hate in the United States. Shame on you all. You should do as I have done: travel the region, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Iran, Egypt, Sudan. And see with your own yes. Confirm what I say is true. Which, spoiler alert… it is.

Others, less radical perhaps, keep calling for the "two-state solution". But Palestinians have rejected it time and again: in 1938, 1948, 1957, 1992, 2000, 2005 and 2008. Hamas mocks any "peace deals". Keep on keeping on with this is delusional. Einstein's famous statement that the definition of insanity is keeping on doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome. Which one could also apply to Israel's minimal reactions to past attacks by Hamas. Now it has to do something different and that's to annihilate Hamas. Any freedom-loving anti-Nazi should welcome this.