Wednesday 7 February 2024

China and Norway: joint partners in Palestine delusion

Quote from above: 

“… so that both the Israeli and Palestinian people can enjoy a peaceful and secure life”. 

Sure. And I’d love the catch that unicorn down the back of my garden.

The Palestinian Authority on the West Bank — like Hamas — has a “Money for Murder” policy: any Arab who kills a Jew will be paid a life-stipend. The PA — like Hamas —  calls for the extirpation of Israel, wiping it off the face of the earth; for killing of Jews “wherever they are”. And Hamas is way more popular on the West Bank than are the PA. These are people we’re supposed to negotiate with? To whom Israel should surrender? By making a ceasefire? 

But, you know, “peace, baby”.

As for UNRWA and Norway’s’ support of it, they ought to be ashamed. UNRWA is long known to be the corrupt creatures of Hamas. Not just “some” in UNRWA are Hamas; it’s riddled top to bottom with Hamas. UNRWA are the means the “refugee crisis” has been kept alive for nearly a century, when other refugee crises have been solved ( including t
he 800,000 Jews driven out of Arab countries since 1945).