Thursday 19 September 2024

“Beep, beep, Boom!” | Mossad paging Hezbollah

Click above for the video 
When I first heard the news of Hezbollah’s exploding pagers I thought “Nah”.

“Who uses pagers anymore?” (Gen Z don’t even know what a “pager” is!).

Turns out it was true, and it was Israel wot did it. Turns out Hezbollah had just recently switched to using low-tech pagers because their head, Hassan Nasrallah, told them to switch, because Israeli intelligence could hack their smart phones. 

They tell the rest of the story in the above vid. Also here

And when it turns out to be true, I’m, like, Yay! Hezbollah are, in a word: Horrid. They should not exist in this world. They can go off and exist in their Islamic heaven with their 72 dark-eyed houris, for all I care.

To lefties and luvvies who are upset that the attacks were “indiscriminate” or that “innocent civilians” were killed, I say, booh-hoo. And let’s stipulate that neither side in this War, wants children or babies killed. 

But that’s what happens when you start a war and when your aim is to massacre your Jewish neighbours, man, woman and child. And when that neighbour decides to fight back. You get this. You get exploding pagers. You get Walkie-talkie-boomies. 

For which, to repeat: Yay 🎉!