Saturday 21 September 2024

"well said sister" | Big Hawk Yonkers

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WoW! Big Hawk Yonkers has some straight talkers on his show. Above.

I wish I wasn't as lazy as I am. Otherwise I'd do the transcript of that wonderful lady, talking straight talk about Trump. From the Black perspective. 

Please let's remember: Trump was beloved of the liberal elite in New York. Right up until the time he went for president and then, so unexpectedly, so surprisingly, so disconcertingly, won. 

Since then they hate on him bigtime. To the tune of wanting him ded. 

But he's the same man they all loved. Until they didn't. But this lady remembers. And appreciates. And does not appreciate that Barack Obama doubled Black unemployment from 8% to 16%.   

Friday 20 September 2024

How Israel planned “Beep, Beep Boom!”| The New York Times

How much do we worry about out the alleged civilian casualties? Approximately zero. If you don't want civilian casualties don't host fanatical fascist genocidal terrorists. End of.
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“I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say” | Flannery O’Connor

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Asking Kaaamala the Hard Questions. Not.

The National Association of Black Journalists. 

Who first had Donald Trump a few weeks ago, and the first question was, like:

"You're a terrible racist. You are a really, really horrible racist. Let me rephrase that; you're the most shocking racist in American history. Would you please tell us how much of a racist you are and how you would apologise to the American people for being such a racist?"

Then they had Kaaaamala Harris on yesterday. With the questions like:

"You are such an amazing person. You are so Joyous. Could you tell us something about how Joyous you are. How much Joy means to you. Let me rephrase that: how is it that you're such an amazing Joyous person, I mean so truly-wuly, so really really, so phenomenally incredible? I mean how?"

Greg Foreman: "She is so bad that she can't even lie. She can't even lie about how good the economy is today."

Thursday 19 September 2024

“Beep, beep, Boom!” | Mossad paging Hezbollah

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When I first heard the news of Hezbollah’s exploding pagers I thought “Nah”.

“Who uses pagers anymore?” (Gen Z don’t even know what a “pager” is!).

Turns out it was true, and it was Israel wot did it. Turns out Hezbollah had just recently switched to using low-tech pagers because their head, Hassan Nasrallah, told them to switch, because Israeli intelligence could hack their smart phones. 

They tell the rest of the story in the above vid. Also here

And when it turns out to be true, I’m, like, Yay! Hezbollah are, in a word: Horrid. They should not exist in this world. They can go off and exist in their Islamic heaven with their 72 dark-eyed houris, for all I care.

To lefties and luvvies who are upset that the attacks were “indiscriminate” or that “innocent civilians” were killed, I say, booh-hoo. And let’s stipulate that neither side in this War, wants children or babies killed. 

But that’s what happens when you start a war and when your aim is to massacre your Jewish neighbours, man, woman and child. And when that neighbour decides to fight back. You get this. You get exploding pagers. You get Walkie-talkie-boomies. 

For which, to repeat: Yay 🎉!

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Trump Derangement Syndrome is very real

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This is truly shocking. The extent to which Democrats have called, explicitly, repeatedly, blood-curdingly for the killing of their opponent Donald Trump. Their OPPONENT. 

Yes, it's Fox. Yes, it's Sean Hannity. But: still it's true. It's true what they said. Those Dems. Right there, in front of us. And that truth is not that the rhetoric is dangerous on the Reps side. But that the rheetorca is dangerous on the Dems side. It's 100% on the Dems side. 

Or tell me, quote me, ref me, link me, to anything, from the Reps, even remotely in the same ball park as what's said by all these murderous Dems. 

Murderous Democrats. 

Harris-Biden administration also stabs Isreal in the back | Houman David Hemmati, MD, PhD on X

 Harris-Biden: also just the sort of ally you need when you don't need an ally. Fickle. Playing to domestic Islamist voters in seeing state. 

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Mid Autumn Moon

Full moon over our backyard in Discovery Bay Hong Kong. That funny white thing is Byron’s tennis ball.

Happy Mid Autumn Mooncakes

“Am I Racist?” movie Breaks the Woke, Breaks the Box office

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This is now number 3 in U.S. Box office takings. Which is amazing because:

1. It’s a documentary and docos don’t normally do well in theatrical releases. 

2. It’s a documentary by a known conservative podcaster, Matt Walsh

3. It’s had only limited marketing, limited screens and limited budget ($US 3 million). 

Still, it’s receiving rave reviews on the socials, and 99% on Rotten Tomatoes from the people who’ve seen it. 

The socials say that it’s not overtly political, just shows up the grift of the race hustlers, and makes fun of them. It’s very funny, the funniest film of the year, according to many.

Meantime, the Left has gone insane over this movie as Derek Anderson shows in the above video. If I have time I’ll link to some other YouTube reviews, but if I don’t it’s easy to find them, and they’re all positive. 

So, if you’re in the US, do go along and see it.  

Some YT reviews of “Am I Racist?”, the movie by Matt Walsh 

And now we have an Occasional Reader in the US who's seen the movie and says: 
Good evening and freshly back from the movies. Great entertainment in sharp focus. It lays bare the incredibly contorted logic of white guilt and systemic racism. 10 out of 10 and a must see. Regards from your friends of color ...

Monday 16 September 2024

There has NEVER been a Palestinian state | Imtiaz Mahmood on X

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The Obama — Harris administration wants Israel defeated

Click above for the video 

Obama gave us the “be nice to Iran” policy. Result: more money to the “3-H”: Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi.

Trump gave us Abraham accords. Result: Iran constrained. Terrorism down. No new wars.

Obama-Biden gave us return to “be nice to Iran”. Result: more money to the “3-H”: Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi.

The Biden administration is the “ally” you don’t really want. Who says “we support your right to defend yourself.” But then does everything to stab you in the back. Because they’re worried about their home politics. Specifically the big radical Islamic community in key swing states. 

From the intro:

Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi terrorists launch a missile into central Israel unstopped by air-defense systems; the situation on the Jewish state's northern border escalates further with Hezbollah shooting dozens of rockets deeper and deeper into the country; and Israel’s left and the Biden administration join forces to topple Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

00:00 Escalating Tensions in Northern Israel
02:56 The Complexities of Gaza Control
06:11 Iran's Influence and Nuclear Concerns
09:01 U.S. Policy and Its Impact on Israel
11:57 The Role of Hezbollah and Regional Threats
15:11 Domestic Political Dynamics in Israel
18:03 The Intersection of U.S. and Israeli Leftist Movements
20:51 International Legal Challenges and Sanctions
24:03 The Future of Israeli Governance and Security
26:48 Concluding Thoughts on Israel's Survival

Sunday 15 September 2024

Mutti 103rd Birthday


Ainslie, Canberra, Australia, 15 September 2024. Mutti blows out the candles for age 103!

“Am I Racist?” | Jimmy Dore talks to Matt Walsh

Click above for the video 
Filmmaker and self-described conservative Matt Walsh talks about his new hit movie, “Am I Racist?” with self-described liberal, stoner comedian Jimmy Dore.

If you’re in America, time to hit one of the 1,500 theatres it’s now in. Running at 99% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. (Audience score being the only one worth paying attention to, imo. The critics on RT are gonna hate on this movie because it shows up hypocrisy on the Left).

Saturday 14 September 2024

The price of Suicidal Empathy

“You have to fight the war as if the hostages are dead”. 

Says Yishai Fleisher.

I agree. As I said  while ago. One has to take the interests of the whole of the nation over the interests of the individual. When the issue is existential. As it is with Israel now. 

It’s a FACT!” Yishai Fleisher Says what NO ONE else will about Israeli Hostages.

Friday 13 September 2024

Hamas / Gaza casualty umbers | Kosher

“10 ways Kamala has “contributed” to Israel's self defense” |Hillel Fuld

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"U.S. proposal and Hezbollah's revenge” | Ron Ben Yisha

A Very Occasional Reader asks if I’m interested in issues around Hezbollah. To which, of course, the answer is “Yes”. I can point to posts I’ve done with various commentators on the Northern Threat to Israel, and the recent attacks and counter attacks. (eg here and here, and here)

This article below by Ron Ben Ishai, sent along by the VOR, is kind of interesting, talking about the preemptive Israeli strike, which gives good props to the IDF and Mossad. With Ben Ishai seeming to side with Yonah Jeremy Bob, who I posted recently saying that Iran and Lebanon and Hezbollah were not keen to start a war with Israel this year at least. For various reasons that are set out in that post. 

I think the following are the most problematic parts of Ben Ishai’s analysis. That the US is somehow a good actor in all this. That somehow it’s possible to “end the war” in Gaza by "reaching a deal" with Hamas to release the hostages. What planet are they living on, these commenters? That’s all the US and Israel have been trying to do, that’s all that’s been offered to Hamas since Day 1, and all that Hamas has done is to deny, reject, refuse and to demand ever more concessions, that would effectively make them the victors in this war. Thus demanding that this be the only war in history that the vanquished have sued for peace by making demands on the victors. 

This is the ongoing delusion in the American and the Israeli Left. That somehow there are some good actors amongst the “Palestinians”, the Hamas, the PA, the Fatah. There are not. Which the latter have made abundantly and repeatedly clear. 

About time that we in the west understood this. And that leftist Israelis, who live in Israel, who think they know more about how peace ought be achieved, understand this. 


At the end of the day, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, in consultation with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi and his General Staff officers, chose the most solid alternative proposed by the IAF - A “preemptive strike to remove the threat” that would disrupt Hezbollah’s preparations for a revenge strike, followed immediately by a defensive campaign to thwart Hezbollah’s intentions of creating a security situation with its remaining rocket launchers and UAVs in South Lebanon.
Several weighty considerations came into play before deciding on this restrained course of action. The most important was the demand by US and its allies that Israel not act in such a way that would tailspin into a regional war. Now, in the throngs of US elections and the war in Gaza, the Democratic administration’s striving to avoid a regional war has intensified to obsessive levels.
It’s not hard to understand why: If the US comes good on its commitment of taking part in defending Israel from Iran and its proxies, American soldiers will likely be coming back in coffins, and the price of gas and cooking fuel would increase - every American presidential candidate’s nightmare.
So, Washington made a proposal that was hard to refuse: Israel was required to avoid actions that the Americans believe could embroil both them and us in a regional war: Cooperate in efforts to reach a deal to release the hostages that would end the war in Gaza and; allow unlimited humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

"U.S. proposal and Hezbollah's revenge” | Ron Ben Yishai

Thursday 12 September 2024

Voices on Israel

Some of the commenters I read and watch, on issues Middle East, with focus on Israel and the Gaza situation. 

I’m sure that if you look them up on Wikipedia, a good bunch of them will be deemed to be, at least, “conservative” or even “far-right”. I don’t mind. I follow them for good analysis. 

Israel lives in a region where if you’re a feel-good Leftie you’re going to be gobbled up for lunch, dinner and tea. If it’s Ramadan, you’re going to be Iftar. 

You have to be Right, because you have to be tough to survive. That’s what a lot of the commenters, sitting in their cabins in the Catskills, or their mansions on Martha’s Vineyard, don’t understand. Even people like the sometimes revered Seymour Hersh. Who has a rotten take, IMO, in his latest post on the Kam-Don debate. 

Kamala exceeded expectations | Elon Musk

Elon Musk agrees with me!

Trump lost the debate because Kamala did better than everyone thought. She also needled him successfully: he stupidly took the bait.

OTOH: If he got out the message that Kamala is against fracking, that could tip Pennsylvania his way, which would win him the election. 

That would mean he lost the debate but won the election. Hmmm....

Meantime on the Right it's all out Cope. As in the main story is how biased abc moderators were. Which they were. But a more nimble debater would have dealt with it. I can think of any number who would have done better than Trump. 

Still true, as Elon says, that Trump would do a better job. On the economy, on the border, on crime, on foreign policy. On all of these, Kamala says “my values have not changed” and those values are very far to the Left, or at best just follow Biden’s. Which the majority of the American populace, and me myself I, think have been horrid. 

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Watching the Harris-Trump debate

Finished watching, 90 minutes plus ad breaks, on America abc, via CNN. At Pittsburgh. Capital of a key swing state. 

My overall impression, as an anti-Kamala person, more than a pro-Trumper:

Trump did a pretty bad job. Kamala did a pretty good job. Trump below expectations/hopes. Kamala beyond expectations/ fears.

Too often Trump got angry or went down rabbit holes. Was trolled into reacting angry, like on the claim than people leave his rallies early. He should never have gone down the rabbit hole of “illegals are catching and eating our dogs”. 

CNN panels are “exuberant”. Conservative panels are coping. With “the moderators were biased”. Which they were. But still. A better debater could have handled it. But for the Right how it”s just: Cope. Cope. Cope. Cope

IOW: huge disappointment on the Right at Trump's bad performance, and at Kamala pretty good performance. 

And making the good point that it was 3 vs 1, not one-on-one. 

Because the two moderators were so obviously biased against Trump and pro Kamala. This may become a thing I t he internet age of debate watching. Where ,ost people view it through memes, and the Rep memes can show the bias. 

And now we learn that the Kamala Kamp wants another debate! Reps are saying it must be on a non-Dem leaning place since the first two have been on CNN and abc. A place like Fox. And either without moderators at all or with 3 mods: one chosen by each side and a third chosen by those two. Which seems fairer than what happened in Pittsburgh. 

Britain stabs Israel in the back

The Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis is a moderate man and chooses his words carefully. So his statement about David Lammy’s suspension of 30 export licences to Israel was striking in its tone, if not surprising in its content.

The Foreign Secretary’s timing did feel a bit rum

‘It beggars belief that the British government, a close strategic ally of Israel, has announced a partial suspension of arms licences, at a time when Israel is fighting a war for its very survival on seven fronts forced upon it on the 7th October, and at the very moment when six hostages murdered in cold blood by cruel terrorists were being buried by their families,’ he said.

The Foreign Secretary’s timing did feel a bit rum. In Israel, yesterday was an intense moment of national mourning. The cruelty of the execution of the six hostages underground was found not just in the depravity of the act itself, but the way it came at a moment when Israelis had allowed themselves to hope. A few days ago, a deal felt within touching-distance and six families sensed that their loved ones might soon be back in their arms. Yesterday, another chapter of pain opened for the children of Israel. How much sorrow can one people take?

It was into this context that the Labour government dropped its decision to ban the export of certain armaments to the Jewish state. Israelis barely noticed; indeed, British weapons account for just one per cent of their arms purchases anyway, so there was little substance to this political gesture. But as an indication of betrayal, it hit the Chief Rabbi hard and he spoke for many British Jews.

Aside from anything else, it seems unwise for the government to invite scrutiny of its arms licences in this way. Autocracies like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt all receive British weapons. Many of them have abysmal human rights records and not even a passing interest in democracy. Yet it is the Jews who take the heat, and at their time of greatest anguish.

I’m in Tel Aviv observing it all first hand, and I can testify to the fact that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is doing more to try and protect civilian life than other armies, consistently evacuating people before attacks and aborting strikes to save them. A polio vaccination drive is now commencing in Gaza, which is far more complex and perilous than the covid jab rollout several years ago. Is this the behaviour of a genocidal regime?

Did Britain, the United States and our Iraqi and Kurdish allies evacuate civilians from Mosul before we bombed it to bits? Did we agonise about our targeting, in conjunction with legal experts embedded with military decision makers? According to estimates of men who served in Mosul, the coalition killed tens of civilians for each combatant. The facts don’t lie: even if you accept the dodgy Hamas casualty figures, a smaller number of civilians are losing their lives for every combatant in Gaza. It goes without saying that every death is to be mourned. But that is a more impressive record than other armed forces, including our own. And October 7 left Israel with no choice but to go after Hamas.

Israel’s main fault is not the war fighting but the way it has failed to get this message out, in the face of a largely hostile media. Don’t take my word for it. Listen to figures like John Spencer, America’s foremost expert in urban warfare, who teaches at West Point; or my friend Andrew Fox, a former major in the Parachute Regiment who completed three tours in Afghanistan, one with the Green Berets, as well as in Bosnia, the Middle East, and Northern Ireland; or Colonel Richard Kemp, former commander of British troops in Afghanistan. They have all observed operations on the ground, including in Gaza itself, and given extensive testimony.

Listen, for goodness’ sake, to ordinary voices within Gaza itself, who roundly blame Hamas for the war and are rooting for the IDF to win. I have kept in regular contact with one or two by phone – people I knew from my time as a foreign reporter – and they have consistently expressed such sentiments. For the first couple of months of the war, they referred to Hamas only as ‘the dogs’ for fear of being overheard, but now they speak more openly. It came as no surprise last week when the IDF revealed documents proving that Hamas had fabricated the polls showing high levels of local support, when in fact they sit only at around 30 per cent. My friends in Gaza remain too afraid to go on the record, but one day they may have that liberty.

Surely David Lammy will begin to discount the waves of misinformation and heed the facts. Surely he will not allow foreign policy to be built on the basis of social media, biased broadcasters and propaganda produced by Hamas. I trust that the Chief Rabbi remains hopeful that the suspension of 30 export licences will prove only temporary, until wiser heads prevail and Britain once again stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the sole democracy in the Middle East, which is battling the same foe that is coming for us all.

Britain’s arms crackdown on Israel has come at a dreadful time” Jake Wallis Simons


One thing I don’t see mentioned here, or too much in the US or Australia, is that politicians like Lammy are reacting to pressure from local Muslim communities in the UK, America and Australia. These are now changing local policies. Changing campaigning. Changing the way politicians see the world. They should not, but they do. And they do to an Islamist bent. 

Tuesday 10 September 2024

New Poll Panics Dems, Debate Preview | Megyn Kelly talkts to Larry Elder and Adam Carolla

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A terrific show today: Megyn Kelly talks to my man, the Lad I Love, Larry Elder, Mr Stats, and the ever common-sensical Adam Carolla. 

Prepare for a blast of stats from Larry, including ones demolishing the idea that it's Trump who is an "election denier". No. The Dems have more often, more extensively, challenged elections. And that's fine. Just don't give us the double standard, of challenging elections then attacking Trump for doing exactly that. 

Also talk of the crisis in education. Because kids are given no school choice by the Dems, who are in hock to the Teacher Unions. 

“Why Harris is quiet” | Charles C. W. Cooke

Click above for the article

In advance of tomorrow morning’s (Hong Kong time) debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, the National Review’s Charles C. W. Cooke has some words. Why has Kahh-mla (careful how you pronounce her name, lest you be deemed a racist!) been kept locked in the basement as they did with Joe? All together: Because she’s hopeless!

From top to bottom, Harris is an unalloyed disaster. She has no useful thoughts in her head, and, in consequence, she has no useful words in her mouth. She’s a rambler, a meanderer, a peregrinator extraordinaire. Where good communicators convey a whole meal in a few words, she imparts crumbs in an avalanche. She cackles for no reason, she slips into faux seriousness at inopportune moments, she mistakes indignation for gravitas, and, when pushed, she makes any bad situation considerably worse. 

Her response to the question of why she had conspicuously failed to visit the border was to say, “I haven’t been to Europe.” Her explanation of why all her policies had changed was to contend that “my values haven’t.” She is Charles Dickens’s futile Circumlocution Office in its final, human form.

Harris’s team knows this, as do her acolytes and her partisans. If pressed, they will deny it, but, just as they knew that Joe Biden was senile, so they know that Kamala Harris is a twit.

The natural response to being given a candidate who can talk is to put her on every stage in the world. That the Harris campaign has taken the opposite course is not the product of its devotion to bad habits or of its phantom feud with the media, but of its ability to discern what all other observers can see.

It is true, as her friendly critics now insist, that Harris’s chronic silence bears a tangible opportunity cost, but given her remarkable lack of talent, that is a problem that could be solved only by the Democratic Party choosing someone else as its nominee.

Once Harris was selected and installed, her team had only two realistic choices: to hide her, or to take the risk of letting her free. That it has assiduously embraced the former option ought to tell us all we need to know.

We shall soon see.  Tomorrow morning, our time, Hong Kong, 09:00 Wednesday 11th September. Aka. 21:00 American ET, Tuesday 10th September. 

Sugar Daddy treats in the park

Jack, Truffle, Jugger, Hannah and our Byron

Truffle's daddy. In the park on this morning's walk. Joined by Truffle's mates, to get a treat. 

Monday 9 September 2024

Republicans: true supporters of Israel

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From the vid intro:

The U.S. Department of Justice last week announced terrorism charges against senior leaders of Hamas, but the effectiveness of the measure remains to be seen. Will the charges have teeth, or is this more of the usual posturing from the Biden administration?

Join JNS CEO and Jerusalem bureau chief Alex Traiman and Middle East correspondent Josh Hasten for this hot discussion onthis episode of "Jerusalem Minute"!

Traiman andHasten also cover the latest developments in both the hostage negotiations and Israel’s war against Hamas; the U.K.’s suspension of some arms sales to Israel; ongoing terror against Jews around the world; and Israel’s state inquiry into the Oct. 7 attacks.

And also listen to Alex's description of the difference in policy to Israel from the Dems to the Reps. Used to be bipartisan. No longer. Because the Dems are so influenced by concentrations of Islamists in key swing states. 

Coverage of the Gaza war in the mainstream media (MSM) tends to pro-Palestinian. Which is to say, pro-Hamas. Which is to say pro-terrorist. 

Which is why we need to show the other side. The pro-Israel side. Which we used to get on the MSM. But no longer. So we have to go to podcasts like the one above. 

That MSM includes: the BBC, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, The New York Times, The Guardian. And much else. Which are all aournd us, all the time. Like water for fish. The other side of the story, the pro-Israel side is almost all in the social media: YouTube, Rumble, X.  Which you have to make more of an effort to see. It's harder: like fish getting out of water. 

Click here for the podcast above. Well educated, knowledgeable guys discuss the issues, with perspectives you won’t find in the MSM.

Please note the stupidity of VP candidate pick Tim Walz statement on Gaza and Israel, and how Israel "must recognise the Palestinian State". Which Palestinian state? Like he knows nothing of it. Which may well be true. Stupidity with arrogance: a toxic combo.

Sunday 8 September 2024

“Egregious, scary, dictatorial”: ‘Quiet Skies’ program targets Tulsi Gabbard

Click above for the video 
Tulsi Gabbard, veteran of Iraq war, Democrat Congresswoman, Democrat presidential candidate, now followed by drug dogs and Air Marshalls whenever she flies, harassed because she criticised the neocons and the military industrial complex. 

Shocking story you won’t see on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, BBC, or anywhere worse in the mainstream media. Because they jus t love thst perceived political opponents can now be labelled terrorist threats. This is crazy stuff.

Matt Taibbi and Robbie Soave call it out, above. Also here

Tulsi talks about “where the real power lies” in running government. For this alone they’d be after her. Those people she identifies. 

Saturday 7 September 2024

Israelis DO support Bibi

Click above for the video 
The other day I was voicing my own support for Bibi Netanyahu in the war to end Hamas. But my tiny, tinny voice is nothing. What’s needed, I said, was the Israeli people to support him. I worried about that because of the anti-Bibi demonstrations taking to Tel Aviv streets.

But it turns out they do. Large majorities — up to 79% — of Israelis support Netanyahu and his war aims. Even Opposition people support him by majorities or pluralities, depending on the specific question.

Caroline Glick explains the latest polling, in the video above.

She also cuts to a bit of Bibi’s press conference, where he addressed Biden’s pathetic and scandalous one word reply to a shouted press question: “Is Netanyahu doing enough to release the hostages?”, to which Biden’s curt answer was “no”. The slant of the question — no mention of Hamas — the slant of the answer — a senile “no” — demanded a response and Bibi gave it. Full throat. That’s also in the Glick vid above. 

Yishai Fleisher does a more detailed dive into that recent press conference of Bibi’s pushing back on Biden’s feckless “no”. A presser which had the effect of increasing support for Bibi’s policies, as Caroline explains.

ADDED: Timeline of Ceasefire proposals. The story of Israel acceptance and Hamas rejectionism:

    • April 27: Israeli proposal for ceasefire, which Antony Blinken said was "extremely generous". Hamas refused
    • May 31: Israel agreed to US-backed proposal.  Hamas refused.  
    • August 16: US "final bridging proposal". Israel agreed. Hamas refused
    • August 18: Blinked said: "Israel accepted; it's now time Hamas accepts". Hamas refused
    • August 28: The CIA head said "Israel showed seriousness; now Hamas must do the same.". Hamas refused

Yet it's know-nothing, jew-hating idiots on US campuses who demand Israel agree to a "Ceasefire now".... and it's dopey ol' Joe who says it's Netanyahu who is "not doing enough".

During the presser, Bibi shows the map below, which Yishai suggests we show every time we talk Israel and the Middle East. Israel is that tiny sliver in red. Less than a half of one percent of the land belonging (undisputed!) to Arab Muslims, of which “Palestinians” are a small part, and who have only been “Palestinian” since they were thus rebranded by that ol’ oleaginous ogre Yasser Arafat in 1964. (Before that, going back to Roman days, “Palestinians” referred to Jews in that land “from the River to the sea”).

The point of this map is surely obvious. There is no shortage of land for Arab Muslims, however branded or packaged.

Woke ideology replacing religion | Naval Ravikant

Click above for the video 
Thought-provoking talk: famous Angel investor and entrepreneur Naval Ravikant talks to Megyn Kelly.

He quotes Nassim Talib: “The most intolerant minority wins”. Think the Bolsheviks, think the Nazis. Both small, both intolerant minorities, both successful. (For a time, anyway…).

People need to gather. Which is why Church is so useful, not just to praise a supernatural being, but to congregate, gossip, laugh with like-minded people. If you lose the church, you must gather with different like-minded folks. 

Today on the Left, it’s the Woke. Woke folk, but not at all tolerant: Megyn gives an example: 70% of Ivy League college students believe it’s acceptable, even necessary, to shout down people they don’t agree with. 

Where do the Right gather? Still the church, I guess. Apart from we homeless-independent heterodox folk. I wish the idea of a church for atheists had come to more than it did.

The clip.

Making Islam untouchable


Click above for the video
Islam is an ideology. It's an idea. It's a religion. If you must. Though I think it's more of a cult. A death cult, at that. 

It's an ideology that I've followed and studied for decades now. It's why I started this blog. Because after 9/121 George W Bush stood in the debris of the Twin Towers and told us that "Islam is a religion of peace". Even as we knew that the people who had flown planes full of people into buildings full of people in the name of their prophet. And I wondered "how can that be?". How can it be that it's a religion of peace and then massacre so many innocents. 

The answer was in the Koran. Which I read, from end to end, and which gave me shivers up my atheist spine. It is a truly horrid and violent document. It's a workbook for terror. A textbook for hatred of non-believers, non cultists. And that's the case no matter how much one claims, tu quoque, that "the Bible is also violent". 

I worried a decade and a half ago, when I started this blog, that allowing more and more people who organised their lives around the principles of the Koran wasn't going to end well for the UK. For Europe. for Australia. 

And that has been the case. Things have indeed not gone well. 

The societies of the UK, Europe and others where there's been mass immigration from Muslim countries, has been that their societies have become worse. They're more violent. They're less safe. They have less trust in their communities. Women can't walk alone and unveiled in many areas. In England, pubs are closing and being taken over as mosques. How has any of this made our societies better? Clearly not. 

Until now we've been allowed to complain about it. Even if nothing is done. 

But soon, in the United Kingdom, under the new Labour Party, we may not even be allowed to complain. 

Harris Sultan breaks it down in the above video. Also here


A copy of the proposed "Islamophobia" definition that may be adopted by the UK parliament. If so, god help us. 
The British Labour Party "Islamophobia Complaints Handbook" by Anneliese Dodds

Example of  an "offensive tropes" in the Complaints Handbook

Suggesting that Muslims, individually or as a group in British society, pose a threat to British or European society, civilisation, or values.

BUT, But, but: there are very many Muslims in the UK who openly say they despise British values (many in Harris Sultan's video) and they want Sharia law in the UK. That's "a threat to British or European society, civilisation, or values", isn't it?? Islamists are allowed to say these things openly themselves. But if I say that they say these things, I'll be the one banged up for the alleged crime of "Islamophobia". 

Disturbing results from polls on the attitude of British Muslims. Not much comfort there for the authors of the Complaints Handbook. 

Friday 6 September 2024

Byron and friends

Sitting out Super Typhoon Yagi

"Dreaming does not make it so". Like Hamas becoming peaceful.

 On the futility of dreaming about things that just can't come true. Like Hamas becoming peaceful. Israelis in southern Israel dedicated their lives to bringing Gazans to Israeli hospitals. On October 7th they were burned alive along with all the others. Suicidal empathy. 

More Israelis should live in the reality-based world. But no, they'er out on the streets in their tens of thousands calling on their government to capitulate to Hamas. In the hope they'll be nice to them. Release hostages. Not murder them again. 

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with journalist, author, and political commentator Douglas Murray. They discuss his current U.S. speaking tour, the difference between malevolent and genuine protests, the upending of cultural institutions at the altar of false virtue, and how the demoralization of the majority will only lead to further unrest.
Douglas Murray is a journalist and bestselling author of seven books. His latest publication is the international bestseller, “The War On The West.” His previous book, “The Madness of Crowds,” was a bestseller and “book of the year” for The Times and The Sunday Times. “The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam,” published in 2017, spent almost 20 weeks on The Sunday Times bestseller list and was a number 1 bestseller in non-fiction. Mr. Murray has been a contributor to The Spectator since 2000 and has been associate editor at the magazine since 2012. He is a columnist for The New York Post, The Free Press, The Sun, The Telegraph, and contributes regularly to National Review and numerous other outlets.
This episode was recorded on August 7th, 2024

Thursday 5 September 2024

Kamala's crazy housing ideas. And... taxing unrealised gains is crazy too | Kevin O'Leary

Click above for the video
Listen well to this man, Kevin O'Leary. He knows whereof he speaks. Whereas Kamala, Walz, Biden and their handlers clearly don't.

I always think that owning a small business*, having to meet a payroll, is the best experience one can have in learning about how the world really works, and how to prioritise things that matter in life. 

With Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Tim Walz there's 200 years of life lived so far. And of that 200 years, zero years, zero minutes, zero seconds have been spent in the private sector. 

But it's the private sector that creates the best jobs. Also the case in socialist China, where the reason for its rise in the last 40 years has been due entirely to the growth of the private sector. 


*Small Business = 5 to 500 employees. We founded and built a business to 300 staff. So right in there as a Small Business, thought, tbf, I always thought of us as being a Medium Sized business. We're always looking for size, aren't we?

Wednesday 4 September 2024

“It’s Biden and Kamala who are not doing enough for ceasefire and release of hostages” | Alan Dershowitz

Click above for the video 
It was professor Alan Dershowitz who invented the term “Derangement Syndrome”, initially to describe fellow professor Noam Chomsky and how that grizzled ol’ US-hater’s scientific-linguistic brain became scrambled eggs when he talked of Israel. That was “Israel Derangement Syndrome” said professor Dershowitz.

It famously became Trump Derangement Syndrome soon after 2016, and now the professor talks of BDS — Bibi Derangement Syndrome, as in Bibi Netanyahu. This is a “BDS” in addition to the original BDS calling for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel.*

BDS — “Bibi Derangement Syndrome” version — is people who hate on Netanyahu. Who want to surrender to Hamas. Capitulationists

Many are well-meaning. But that doesn’t matter. Nor does it matter that they may number hundreds of thousands now demonstrating on the streets of Israel. Huge populations can be deluded. Naive. As are these luvvies, these major Israeli trade unions, demonstrating and doing “vigils” as lovingly described by Australia’s SBS. (SBS takes the side of Hamas, but lacks the guts to keep comments turned on).

Should the relatives of hostages demand ceasefire even if it means Israel loses the war? We can empathise with their anguish, we can feel their pain. But surely the ethical answer must be “no”. 

One’s own personal tragedy should not usurp national interests. Especially when those interests are, as now, existential. The very existence of Israel is in peril. The survival of the world’s only Jewish state, the most powerful democracy in the Middle East, a true multicultural, multi-religious melting pot, a beacon of freedom, must surely be more important than even the most painful personal suffering. 

And so I support Netanyahu. Rather more importantly the citizens of this remarkable country, this New Jersey-sized miracle, should support Bibi Netanyahu. For it is he who has a clear vision of what needs to be done to rid the world of Hamas. While the capitulationists may bring a temporary peace at the price of repeated October 7s. Repeated October 7s. Repeated…

I fear many Israelis won’t support him, for reasons of BDS, this Bibi Derangement Syndrome. And delusions of a peaceable enemy, illusions of a tractable jihadist death cult. This I blame, at least partly, on the Woke mind virus that affects our otherwise free democracies. Sigh…


* Theres another “BDS” floating in the minds of the delusional: “Binational, Democratic, Secular”, to describe a unicorn: “Palestine” stretching “from the River to the Sea”, incorporating the whole of Israel, Gaza, Judea and Samaria (the “West Bank”), ruled by Hamas (or the PA, which today is indistinguishable from Hamas), as a secular democracy, where Muslims and Jews, and all ethnicities are respected amd treated equally. Thus: “Binational, Democratic, Secular”. This is wholesale hallucination. An elephantine mass Delusion. Yet some Israel-haters cloak their Jew-hatred in this angelic image. This lunatic fantasy.

The bitter irony is that the single place where this unicorn most nearly exists is Israel itself. Where Arabs are the best treated minority in the whole of the near, far and Middle East.