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Center of Excellence?? |
Now we have a two-fer, a double-deal, if you will, in the latest report from DOHS: Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States, 1970 to 2008.
Simply put, there's a double duplicity:
First, the duplicity of lumping "Other crimes" with "Terrorism". Rather like lumping spiders and monkeys together and saying that you're analysing primate behaviour.
Second: the "fallacy of range". Going back to the 70s for terror, of course you're bringing in the leftist terror of the 70s and 80s. What we want to know is about the terror of today. I wrote about this "fallacy of range" in more detail at Terrorists are not Muslims... except for the 94% that are!
Shame on the DOHS, and its alleged "Center of Excellence". What PC crock!
H/T Judicial Watch.