Thursday 16 August 2018

“Why Boris is wrong about burkas” | Spectator

Here is Rod Liddle  (pdf) on the recent brouhaha about Boris Johnson's article on burkas.


Not that Boris is wrong to have made fun of burkas.  After all, Boris had said burkas should not be banned.  But if it's sentient adults who decide to wear the burka, of their own volition -- which is the claim by the Apologist Left for "the right of women to wear what they want" -- then these same sentient adults must be subject to the same scrutiny, criticism, and mockery that the rest of us are.  So, sure, they're the subject that can be made fun of....

What's the thing he says Boris is "wrong" about?  That the burka-clad look like letterboxes and bank robbers.
"Postboxes are bright red and bank robbers traditionally wear tights over their faces. I think they [burkas] look more like Darth Vader".
Fun and mockery aside, Liddle makes other good points, and I can only show it via a pdf, having bought the print edition, but still can't get the online version.  (There ought to be an App for that....)
PS: here's a jpeg of the article: