Wednesday 5 December 2018

Roll Back China’s Soft-Power Campaign - The Wall Street Journal.

"Star­tlingly, Chi­na's ef­fort de­pends on the co­op­er­a­tion of many "nom­i­nally in­de­pendent ac­tors" within the U.S. For ex­am­ple, news out­lets aligned with Bei­jing have cor­nered al­most the en­tire me­dia mar­ket aimed at Chinese-Amer­i­cans, es­tablish­ing new print, ra­dio, tele­vi­sion and on­line pub­li­ca­tions in both Chi­nese and Eng­lish.
"The in­flu­ence is also pro­nounced at Amer­ican uni­ver­si­ties. Con­fucius In­sti­tutes are funded by the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment and may not en­gage in ac­tiv­i­ties that con­tra­vene Chinese law. Other research cen­ters backed by Bei­jing use their re­sources and reach to at­tack the aca­d­e­mic free­dom of pro­fes­sors. Uni­ver­si­ties be­come sub­ject to pres­sure and even re­tal­i­a­tion when they pub­lish re­search or host events that of­fend the po­lit­i­cal sen­si­bil­i­ties of Chi­na's gov­ern­ment and Commu­nist Party. China also in­creas­ingly of­fers fund­ing to Amer­i­can think tanks will­ing to por­tray their na­tion in a pos­i­tive light, and blocks un­co­op­er­a­tive re­searchers from obtain­ing ac­cess to Chinese so­ci­ety."