Australia, HK, China and the US figures are all very similar.
In short: nearly 90% of deaths are in people over 65. Only 1% of deaths are for those under 45, and just 0.1% for under 45. This is very much a disease of the elderly.
People then respond that “we must not treat any death, even older deaths, any differently”. And there’s something in that. But it’s still not the same, and we know that, and the statisticians know that, and actuaries know that, and politicians know that, and we all know that: someone dying at age 90 is not the same as someone dying at age 20. It’s just not.
THEREFORE: ring fence the elderly, especially those with conditions (like me). Tell younger people living close to older folks to be careful. Otherwise: get on with work, play, gym, pub and restaurants. Encourage masking and disinfecting and social distancing. Otherwise, don’t lockdown and get on with life.