Thursday 16 November 2023

What NOT to do if you’re trying to dispel a perception of a “police state”

I’ve spent some time trying to dispel the idea of Hong Kong now under the boot of a tyrannical Communist police state. Telling folks across the waters from us that they media is hyping the extent to which China is in control of Hong Kong, post the 2019 demos and the 2020 National Security Law. 

Many have the impression, from the MSM, that it’s now the equivalent of tanks in the streets, the army marching daily, police at every corner. We’re not like that. We’re still a very free place. Click the “Freedoms HK” label below to see some of that. 

But stuff like the above doesn’t help. Police on the subways. Why? people are asking. As they say -- and very much unlike the subway in, say, New York -- Hong Kong’s public transport and especially our MTR (subway) is super safe. John Lee listen up: we don’t need them! This doesn’t help your aim of “tell the good stories of Hong Kong”!