Saturday 28 July 2018

“Algeria, land of Islam, has three-thousand year history marked by cultural diversity”

Yeah right. This sort of thing needs to be countered. The Left and Islamapologists (tautology?) love it and trot it out as evidence of Islam's "tolerance". Like Spanish Andalusia under the Moors. Not. 
The fact is that Algeria used to be all Christian. Like all of north Africa. And now it's all Muslim. Like all of North Africa. That doesn't happen by accident. It happens when the "Arab invasions", the armies of Muhammad, invade Algeria, and all of North Africa, in the 7th Century. Christians were given the infamous three choices: (1) convert to Islam (2) don't convert, but pay the jizya dhimmi tax (3) die.
Even today the few remaining Christians in Algeria are not allowed to seek converts; not allowed to proselytise; not allowed to repair churches; not allowed to build new ones. Any Muslim that coverts to Christianity is subject to government investigation. 
So this concept of Algeria celebrating itself as the birthplace of St Augustine, of this wonderful land of Islam, of tolerance and multiculturalism, it is all just a sick joke. 
It was that. Before 700 AD. 
Until the arrival of the armies of Muhammad.