Friday 8 February 2019

US inequality DOWN. Facts don’t care about your feelings

Every day there’s some new report about how inequality in the US is getting worse, it’s a “crisis”, oh woe, oh horror. 
Only thing is, it’s not true. 
The figures above show the factual reality. The lower GINI index the better.
The US has got better by 5/35 = 15% improvement. A steady improvement of just over 1% per year. 
Ben Shapiro is fond of saying “facts don’t care about your feelings”. 
The Left turns that around: “my feelings don’t care about your facts”. 
Facts don’t persuade when people are firmly invested in a “narrative”. In this case that the US is a terrible country oppressing the poor and minorities and it’s getting worse. 
And the only way to fix things is.... socialism and 70% taxes. 
Still. Facts.