Monday 20 May 2019

And Trump is “racist” and “misogynistic”

The Alice Johnson story: a now great-grandmother in prison for life without parole, for a first time non-violent crime, gets released under Trump's clemency order, after 21 years in prison.
Courtesy of representations by Kim Kardashian West, with whom Trump also worked to get a prison reform bill passed. A prison reform bill the liberals might have passed decades ago. But hadn't.
And yet… he's the racist woman-hater. Right.
Oh… and Alice had appealed for clemency via Obama and Obama had turned her down. And he's the empathetic, caring liberal. Right.
And you won't see this news in CNN or MSNBC. Because it doesn't fit the narrative. That Trump is the devil incarnate.
Alice says "the time should fit the crime". Not that she shouldn't have been in prison. But not for life, for her one-time non-violent offence.