Monday 6 May 2019

God of the grains of sand

Our little corner of the universe
Ex-Muslims of North America (@ExmuslimsOrg) Tweeted:
Each dot is a celestial body; stars and worlds at a scale beyond our imagination.
Do you really think a being that created all this cares about which foot you enter the bathroom with; or which hand you eat with and what special words you say before you eat?
PF: More science = Less religion.
My headline reference is to the common statement that there are more stars than grains of sand in the world.  I wondered about this, could it be true?  I did some calculations based on what we know about each -- sand and stars --  and it's true.  Not only just true, but true by at least one order of magnitude, meaning that even if we're off by a bit, it doesn't matter, the fact remains: there are more stars than grains of sand.
And it's a passing reference to theory of "The God of the Gaps". God exists only in those gaps where science doesn't explain.  And that gap gets inexorably smaller.