Saturday 13 May 2023

How to do censorship while claiming you’re not doing censorship

Salman Rushdie mocked the “but brigade”. Those who say “I believe in free speech, but…”.

The only important part is what comes after the “but”. Because that’s the part that restricts free speech. No matter how much you say “I support free speech”. If there’s a “but”, you don’t really. If face, it’s hypocrisy.

Our dear leader, John Lee, is a founding member of the “but brigade”. Look what comes after “Hong Kong enjoys free speech, but…”!

Imagine how much you can fit into “false, biased, defamatory or misleading”! Pretty much anything I write in these pages is at least biased! And I’m pretty sure I’ve defamed Great and Not-so--great Leaders of all types.

ADDED: Cliff Buddle, ex of Hong Kong, now returned to the U.K., and columnist at the SCMP, has a go to thread a fine needle here. Also: the Streisand effect. Cartoonist Zunzi is dropped from the Ming Pao. Now everyone goes to look for his cartoons.