Thursday 11 May 2023

Total media blackout of major Biden corruption

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If you only read news on the Left, the likes of BBC, ABC, CNN, the New York Times, etc... you won’t have any idea of this. That Joe Biden and his family have set up a web of companies to hide the donations of money to fund the influence peddling they’re involved in. Dirty money from China, from Russia, from Ukraine, from Romania.... Money, laundered to hide its source and hide the Bidens as payees. 

Such is the Dem’s hate for the Republicans, and one Orange Man in particular, that anything that’s done to make sure they don’t get back in power is ok. Including hiding evidence of very real corruption. Zero coverage of money laundering. Zero coverage of influence peddling. Zero.

The evidence: House of Representatives Report to the Congress of the United States: 
Click above for the full Congressional Report
Another take. Not the New York Times....