Saturday 6 May 2023

Titans of Nuclear | Oliver Stone

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Oliver Stone’s latest movie. A strong support of nuclear energy as the only way to zero carbon electricity. From a man previously not at all in favour. He studied and learned. More than can be said of the Greens who cover their ears and go “nyah, nyah, nyah”.

China, India, South Korea and France build them quick and fast and safe. America could too. But. It’s only in America that the Greens have so constrained nuclear with a bramble, a thicket, of regulations that there has not been a new nuclear build approved in fifty years.

As I did years ago, Oliver Stone came to the conclusion that it was the Greens that were responsible for the shit down of the nuclear industry. And therefore responsible for increased carbon emissions. He says it’s the “fault of the hippies”. Well meaning (perhaps) but still responsible. (“The road to hell…”).

Stone: people will put up with nuclear when it’s 2 cents per kWh. We fly in planes even if we’re nervous. We’ll put up with cheap nuclear, even if we’re nervous. 

We here in Hong Kong live just 30 miles from our supplier of nuclear-generated electricity in Daya Bay. We — at least I — feel perfectly safe. And I’ve visited the site with Michael Kadoorie the owner. It’s great to have cheap, clean, reliable electrify. New Clear!