Wednesday 25 October 2023

Brief history of Israel

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Alan Dershowitz wrote a best seller in the history of the middle-east war.

Asks for viewers to tell him where he’s got facts wrong. One is that he forgot to mention in 1967 the Israel deal with Egypt included Israel handing back The Sinai to Egypt. And offered to hand back lads taken in the Six Day War in return for recognition. But was met with the “Three Nos”. Which exist to this day.

Two State Solution was offered in 1938, 1948, 1968, 1990, 2000, 2005 and 2008. EVERY TIME the offer was rebuffed by the Palestinians. 

Dershowitz was there for many of the key moments, in this grim never ending battle.

By the way, Netanyahu did NOT support and enhance Hamas. What he did is play them off against the Palestinians government in the West Bank. Which any politician would do. Especially one who is openly against the Two State Solution, as should anyone be who is still connected to reality.