Saturday 21 October 2023

Human Rights Don’t Require The West To Commit Suicide

There’s a video by Ami Horowitz, in which he goes to an Ivy League college and reads some quotes to the students. To some he says the quotes are from Donald Trump. And he asks the students what they think. They all say “super racist”, “horrible”, “bigoted” and similar. 

And then he takes the exact same quotes to other students and tells them the quotes are from Joe Biden, and what do they think? They all think they’re just fine. It turns out all the quotes are from Barack Obama. Yet the students have very different reactions, depending on who they think said them!

So the transcript below, a portion from a recent podcast, I’m going to keep anonymous. Because I’d like the reader to engage with the actual content, instead of being influenced by who said it. No matter how much we may believe we’re not influenced by that -- we can have our own opinions, dammit! -- we’re all influenced to some extent by who said them.

Human Rights Don’t Require The West To Commit Suicide

Suicide is immoral

It seems strange to have to say that but there seem to be a lot of people in the west these days whobelieve that suicide is somehow morally obligatory. According to these moral geniuses when a man comes into your house rapes your wife murders some of your children and abducts others you have some sort of moral obligation to leave him be so long as he hides behind his own family members. 


After all you are morally Superior to that man and that's what matters. You're feeling that you are not like him, never mind that you're not like him -- you didn't invade his house or kill him or rape and murder his wife and some of his kids and kidnap others. 

Never mind that you're trying to stop him from doing the same thing again and trying to prevent others from following in his footsteps. If you hurt anyone he puts In Harm's Way while you are attempting to stop him you are like him. Never mind that he'll repeat his actions if he's allowed to escape. Never mind he's vowed to repeat his actions until you and your family are exterminated. Never mind that kindness to the cruel is cruelty to the kind. That if you let this guy go, others will follow his example and more innocent people will die. 

You must ensure that he has access to electricity and water. You must protect his life in order to prevent harm to the family he uses as human Shields. You must give him every Advantage because he is evil. In fact were he less evil, were he not to hide behind his own family members for example, then you'd have free reign to kill him but since he is evil well then the only thing to do is throw up your hands and walk away, incentivizing those like him to pursue his insanely evil tactics.


Now if this sounds idiotic well that's because it is it's moral idiocy of the highest order. It incentivizes evil, it creates evil, it means that the most evil people will pursue the most evil tactics all in order to prevent you from protecting yourself. And yet there are those who proclaim it from our nation's most sophisticated Ivory Towers they would never live by such rules. They live in gated communities far from the consequences of their own foolishness. They never feel the consequences of the perverse morality they promote. These are the same people who promote defunding the police and open borders while living in gated communities.  


But of course they aren't calling for their own suicide. They're calling for yours. You are supposed to let in millions of refugees most of whom are likely to hate American values. You are supposed to leave them in power to pursue their next atrocities where they rule. After all those people are members of their Coalition of the supposedly decolonized dispossessed. Their evil is merely a symptom of your evil. What they believe and what they do … well that's your fault. The only solution is for you to commit suicide. If you refuse you're just as bad as they are. And if you don't you're dead. Your choice. Or at least that's the choice they would like you to make. 


But there is in fact another choice. To reject that disgusting construct wholesale. To point out that genocidal murderers do not get a free hand just because they hide behind members of their own family. To stand strong in the face of calls to Honeycomb our own Society with Pro genocide members or their unvetted compatriots.


Yes of course those of moral bent ought to work to minimize civilian casualties. Yes of course those of moral bent ought to work to find a place for civilians to escape from the line of fire. But neither of those rules can be prioritized above

the first rule of War: winning. War is ugly by Nature. Nearly the ugliest thing. As it turns out there's only one thing uglier -- losing to those who don't care about morality or decency at all those who use morality and decency against those who are actually moral and decent and who care about things like civilian

casualties. Anybody who advocates for such defeat those who encourage suicide in the face of evil is complicit in that evil. Well you know who does understand this Americans.  Americans by nature understand this because they understand.

Americans Get It

What it's like to face down evil. We've done a before here in the United States and what we understand is that the group that you know murdered 1300 people and that has now taken 200 hostages there are 199 families that have been notified that they have hostages who are members of their family who have been kidnapped in Gaza. The American people overwhelmingly across all political parties believe that Israel's military response is Justified. 71% of Americans believe that it is Justified only 8% say it is not justified 21% say not sure and that holds true across virtually every demographic. 

It is it is least true among people 18 to 34 who are of course overwhelmingly on the left and who have some s have serious problems with moral relativism 57% of those 18 to 34 in the United States believe that Israel is Justified in its actions 14% believe not at all Justified some 29% say they are not sure. And the older you get effectively speaking the more people actually have some moral Clarity on this particular issue. But as far as political breakdown 69% of Democrats say that Israel's action is fully Justified 77% of Republicans say that it is fully justified in fact the the group that is least likely to think that that things are Justified our Independents and even they by a two-third majority believe that it's justified. Only 10% say it's not at all Justified. 


A lot of people are saying they're not sure because the easiest way to get off easy in any moral conversation is to pretend that you don't know the answer to the question when everybody knows the answer to the question which of course is that you have to try to minimize civilian casualties if you are Israel. You have to try to make sure that as few innocent people die as possible and also that every ounce of blood that's being spilled in Gaza right now is not on Israel's hands it is on Hamas's hands. 


Everyone understands this except for the elite except for the elite in our society the elite in our society media Elite professors on campuses. Our intellectual luminaries, some of our Congress people, they refuse to understand this sort of thing. They are the advocates for cultural suicide. They are the advocates for the West to Simply shoot itself in the head in in order to avoid the natural consequences of ugly War. Again remember the entire rules of War were written in order to disincentivize the kind of activity that Hamas is currently engaging in. 


The entire purpose of having laws of war is to prevent Hamas from hiding behind civilians. And yet the same people who are now claiming that Israel is violating international law by targeting Hamas are actually incentivizing Hamas to put kids in front of their guns. That's the actual effect if you say to people that murder Jews in South Israel plus hide behind your own kids means you get off scott free what are you incentivizing people to do hide behind their kids. If anything the world should be incentivizing the hunting down of Hamas specifically because they hide behind their own kids. Because otherwise everyone's going to hide behind their own kids. Tat's how incentive structures work.

In just one second we'll get to the elite who seem completely unable. They are paralyzed by their own moral relativism. We'll get to that momentarily. 


Pete Davidson On SNL Both-Sidesing moral exemplars 

Our moral Elite are completely disconnected from the American people and from reality and they break down into basically two categories. One are the stupid and two are the are the cynical. They're not the same category. I'm not going to suggest for example that Pete Davidson on SNL is pro Hamas. He's not. He's just a typical Hollywood idiot. He's somebody who has reverted to “all situations are the same all morality is the same I can't take sides here I can't I can't…Everyone should be mourning right now civilians murdered in Israel for the crime of being Jews and members of the civilian population in Gaza who are murdered by Hamas.”

Pete Davidson's statement on this thing is basically “suffering is bad”. Yeah we are in agreement. But “suffering is bad” is not a moral message and unfortunately that is the side that's taken up by so many of our moral sophisticates.
