Friday 8 March 2024

“The war in the Middle East has barely begun” | Douglas Murray

I knew this, kind of. 

We have friends living in Israel who tell us of the "internally displaced" Israelis, aka refugees. And of the Hezbollah build up in South Lebanon. They were at the Israel-Lebanon border this month. (Where we were in 2017, by the way).

But I didn't know the detail. About which Douglas Murray is a reliable correspondent. 

Writing in The Spectator on these two main points:

1. Israeli refugees. "Internally displaced" in their own country. By the borders of Lebanon and Gaza. Hamas-luvvies will mock the "in their own country" for they don't believe it deserves to exist. There we shall differ forever. 

2. The inevitable wider war. With Hezbollah (aka Lebanon) and puppet-master Iran. To push back Hezbollah from hard up against the border with Israel. Where they are not supposed to be, according to UN Resolution 1701, but which is ignored by Lebanon and the world. Because, well, you know, it's not aimed at constraining the real baddies… Israel.

The few enquiring minds still left occasionally ask me what the most underreported stories of the current Israel-Hamas conflict are. I tend to reply that there are two.

The first is the issue of Israeli refugees. They are not called that inside Israel, where the authorities prefer to refer to them as 'internally displaced people'. But while the world rightly concerns itself with the internally displaced people inside Gaza, the lack of notice paid to this other story is strange. Read on … [Wayback archived]