Monday 28 January 2019

America Lost Vietnam but Saved Southeast Asia - The Wall Street Journal.

Oz and Forse. Anti war moratorium, Canberra November 1972

Hi John,
Reference our recent discussion on Vietnam and whether it might have been won by the US. I
Since my youthful participation in anti-VN war rallies I've come to think that the war was not as crazy as we - at our demos - claimed it was at the time. Worry about communist control of Asia was real and soundly-based. Communism didn't work out too well for Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia.
As to whether the war could have been won by the US, this article is interesting. The North Vietnamese thought it could have.
The article argues that, in any case, US involvement in Vietnam had other benefits in the region. Unless one thinks a communist Asia would have been good.…

It is widely be­lieved that the Viet­nam War was un­winnable.
But a 2004 His­tory Chanel doc­u­men­tary fea­tured in­ter­views with knowl-edge­able North Vietnamese who thought oth­er­wise. They said U.S. and South Vietnamese ground troops could have ef­fec­tively blocked the Ho Chi Minh Trail in east­ern Laos, deny­ing its en­emy es­sen­tial sup­plies and troop re­in­force­ments.
Other North Vietnamese said they were puz­zled that the U.S. failed to do so. This log­i­cal, war-end­ing move was ruled out by de­ci­sion mak­ers in Wash­ing­ton be­cause it would "broaden the con­flict"—never mind that the en­emy had al­ready broad­ened it by us­ing Laos as a base and sup­ply chain.