Sunday 20 January 2019

“Time to Break the Silence on Palestine” | NYT

Nice Hama-Nazi boyz.  To them we should give our land?

Here's the money-shot from the article below. 
… so, if we are to honor [Martin Luther] King's message and not merely the man, we must condemn Israel's actions: unrelenting violations of international law, continuedz occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza, home demolitions and land confiscations. We must cry out at the treatment of Palestinians at checkpoints, the routine searches of their homes and restrictions on their movements, and the severely limited access to decent housing, schools, food, hospitals and water that many of them face.
Sounds fair, right. How could we object? 
Well, here's why: Because it's just not the whole story. 
The whole story should include the number of times Israel has offered everything the Palestinians wanted, only to be rebuffed: 1937, 1947, 1978, 2000, 2008, and the many other times in between various offers have been made. At one count some 27. What’s the point of a 28th? 
And because while all the media on the Left accepts Palestinian protestations that all they want is a Two-state solution, the truth is they don't. They want one Palestine "free from the River to the sea".  This is said time and again, but often in the Arab press only.  In short: they don't want a Two-state solution, they want a Final Solution
Even famous academic Bennie Morris has changed his tune because of Palestinian intransigence and overreach. He's a famous academic. I've read a number of his books. He has  been strongly critical of Israel. Now he recognises the futility of supporting unreal and unfair Palestinians demands. 
And raising the "right of return"? This would wipe out the Israeli state. That given, its self-evidently anti Semitic. 
And walls and house searches? They only ever happened because of intifadas and terrorism, aimed at killing Jewish civilians, women and children. The walls and searches worked. They would be removed and terminated if there were a reason to believe that arbitrary murder of Jews would not start again. Hamas and Fatah give no such assurances. 
And Gaza? It was given back to Palestinian control.  Only to become a base for terrorised attacks on Israel. So now Israel should give back the West Bank? When Fatah, have made clear they would wipe out the Jews on the WB and continue attacks on Israel. 
But, hey, it's the Jews!
But, hey, we "must cry out at the treatment of Palestinians"!