Wednesday 30 January 2019

“Huawei a victim of American subterfuge” | SCMP

Run by international crooks
How lucky we are to have a mind reader at the Post, to explain to us America's "tactics and intentions". If we didn't have Alex Lo's supernatural powers to reveal that America's pursuit of Huawei is "obviously politically motivated", we might be tempted to think the company had been thieving technology and cheating on sanctions. ("Huawei a victim of American subterfuge",  30 January).
We might mistakenly think that Huawei had stolen its first router design from CISCO, right down to copying its typos. Or that it had filched the design and an arm of a high-end robot from T- Mobile. Or that Huawei employees are given bonuses for purloining trade secrets. 
We might be inclined to believe that Huawei has a well-documented history of lying to banks, of setting up bogus shell companies to circumvent international sanctions.  
But thank goodness for mind-reader Lo, who assures us that all these charges should be "thrown out of court", because he knows: America's intent is malign and purely political. And Huawei is the victim.
Thank you Mr Lo, for your mind-reading insights!
Actually, while Huawei's cheating might seem clever, it is a problem for China's own de­vel­op­ment.  China wants advanced tech­nology from the West ; it won't come if trade se­crets aren't honoured and enforced. Chi­na's own firms can­not de­velop to their potential if their own in­tel­lec­tual property's isn't se­cure even as they are dis­trusted abroad as agents of Chinese spy­ing.
The more Beijing and its apologists excuse China's rampant thievery and sanction busting, the longer to reach trade peace. 
Enough of the victimhood, already. 

Pf, etc.…
Huawei a victim of American subterfuge