Wednesday 8 July 2020

Chomsky supports free speech and opposes cancelling Pinker

I’ve never been much a a fan of Noam Chomsky. His comments post 911 were pretty awful, I thought. It’s always seemed to me that there’s nothing the United States has ever done, or could do, that Chomsky can’t find fault with. Even the victory in WW2.
ADDED: Let’s not forget, as I did, that he also supported the Pol Pot regime, even as the Killing Fields were happening. That’s pretty damned crazy hard-left crazy right there.
But he’s been spot on with this free speech issue. He’s been a strong supporter, even of views he despises. Good on him. And good on him for supporting Steven Pinker, who some numbskulls are trying to cancel. Journalist Zaid Jilani gives a good, fair account of the issue.
One of Pinker’s “crimes” was that he had linked to articles showing that the police brutality narrative is about more than just racism. Quoted Harvard professor Roland Frey, showing up some of the myths in that narrative. As I posted a while back myself.
By the way, the male anchor in this clip says towards the end that he “despises” Steven Pinker because he’s written books showing we’re living in the best of times. I’ve read those books (The Better Angels of our Nature and Enlightenment Now); they’re chock full of data to support the claim. I’d ask that anchor man: if not today, when precisely in history have we been better off? Been healthier? Lived longer? Been wealthier? When?