Thursday 27 July 2023

“You ask why I make my home in the mountain forest...” Li Po (Li Bai)

Mountain Q & A

You ask for what reason I stay on the green mountain,
I smile, but do not answer, my heart is at leisure.
Peach blossom is carried far off by flowing water,
Apart, I have heaven and earth in the human world.

山中问答  Shānzhōng wèndá

问余何意栖碧山  Wèn yúhé, yì qī bì shān

笑而不答心自闲  Xiào ér bù dá, xīn zì xián

桃花流水窅然去  Táohuā liúshuǐ, yǎo rán qù

别有天地在人间  Biéyǒu tiāndì, zài rénjiān

Quick scrawl with Sharpie.
Plan to do more with a brush