Thursday 24 August 2023

“Climate refugees” or just “refugees”?

The figures quoted above are wildly exaggerated. At least according to the UNHCR, hardly a right-wing bastion. Which says the number of “climate refugees" is 21 million since 2008 vs 350 million plus quoted by the two immigration lawyers above. Immigration lawyers support immigration. Dog bites man. Also: who says they’re *climate* refugees, as opposed to just plain old refugees, as we’ve always had, just more recently for a host of reasons, maybe none of which has to do with climate, but more with iPhones, social media and ease of movement?
Over decades people have been displaced by natural disasters. They move inland for a typhoon. And come back when it’s passed. Move for a flood. Come back when it recedes.
Historically impact on mortality of natural disasters has dropped 98% since 1920. So there’s that.
Economic damage from natural disasters has been on downward trend too.
The IPCC “estimate” of number of “climate refugees” is based on RCP 8.5 which is the worst case and is no longer being used even by the IPCC itself. These two immigration lawyers continuing to use it is misinformation. 
Polls of actual, real, in-person refugees, asking them why they came to, eg, the U.K., the answers are “for a better life”. Not “because of climate change”.
The German population did not “welcome the refugees”. Not even the majority. Hence the growth of AfD.
Throughout Europe around 75% of people are against illegal immigration.