Saturday 16 September 2023

“Pandemic amnesia” | David Dodwell

Oh boy, oh boy!

Random thoughts: [LATER: wrote a letter to the SCMP, here]

WHO comprehensively failed in handling Covid. Dodwell: “so let’s give WHO even more power!”

“None of us are safe until we’re all safe”: a feel-good trope that’s nonsensical. I’m safe here in Hong Kong, while people in Libya and Somalia are not safe. 

“We are only as strong as the weakest link”. False for the same reason.  Look at the 50 US Sates. Each did pts own thing. Each had different outcomes. Not based on the “weakest link”. In any case, which was the “weakest link”? The one with most lockdowns, or the one with least. The one with mask mandates. Or the ones without. 

Dodwell’s proposed pandemic protection solution is yet more government, yet more WHO, yet more rule by bureaucrats, yet more rules, regulations and mandates.

I say, no, no, no. Give us the information, make recommendations -- based on the science! And get out of the way. 

My comment at the  site:
Dodwell: "In short, Covid-19 remains alive and well, killing thousands of people daily". That is NOT correct.  
Worldometer: last seven days total deaths = 557 (36% BELOW the previous 7-days), or 80/day. In a world where around 200,000 die per day, Covid is under 0.04% of all deaths, 4 in 10k.  
For most who catch it, the symptoms are indistinguishable from a common cold.  Yes, we have "amnesia" about Covid and rightly so. We're done and dusted with it, no matter how much the "Covid lovers" want to keep on catastrophising.