Wednesday 20 September 2023

Trump is losing it

I don’t love Donald Trump. I don’t hate him either. And I’m not deluded enough to believe, really believe, that he’s Hitler incarnate. 

In 2016 I thought he was a bit of a joke. When he won I thought, oh well, this is going to be interesting. And how! What I was not prepared for was the whole Russia collusion thing the full-on denial of his election legitimacy and a hatred that morphed into Trump Derangement Syndrome. A proper mental health issue. 

My wife says I’m a bit of a bellwether for independent voters. That is, how I say I’d vote is how the U.S. independents end up voting.  In the US that’s about 20% of the population. The Dems and Reps each have ~40% of core voters, the “rusted on” supporters. So they have to entice the remaining 20%. Or enough to tip the balance at the electoral college level. (We have to keep reminding ourselves, the popular vote is entirely irrelevant).

If I’d had an American vote (which, being Aussie, I don’t), I would’ve voted for both the Clintons, for Al Gore and for Obama (heaven help me), but would not have voted for Biden in 2020. There’s decent analysis that we’d be in a better place if we’d had Trump instead of Biden. Likely we’d not have had Russian war win Ukraine, saving hundreds of thousands of young men. And we’d have a better economy. But it wasn’t to be, and a big part of the reason is the stupid nonsense campaign that Trump himself ran.

I still think — we in this household, this independent household, think — that Joe Biden is making a hash of his presidency, no matter how much they’re spinning it in his side. 

But can Trump be better? Given what we know of his hash in 2020. And the emerging incompetence of him for 2024.

Going by his most recent interviews, one in Leftie MSNBC and one with right leaning Megyn Kelly, it’s a no for me. I started to watch each. And in each I had to give up after a while in disgust. At the bullshit bloviating. At the outright stupidity: saying the 2024 election will be totally rigged, but expecting your supporters, and we independents, to vote for you anyway.  Being lukewarm about early voting. I felt like yelling “what’s wrong with you, man?!”  Of course people should vote early! It was failure to do so that lost two Georgia Senate seats.

I never thought Trump as a Hitler, as the left keep calling him. Or if he is, he’s the worst Hitler. Or misunderstood him greatly. Or the left doesn’t understand Hitler. Anyway, he’s not Hitler and in four years he did nothing the least like Hitler. And yes, that includes the bogus January 6 “insurrection “. 

But now he’s looking tired amd out of touch and plain silly. That’s not a good look.

If I am indeed a bellwether for independents, it’s looking stormy for Trump. 

Never mind Hitler. How can one vote for Stupid?