Sunday 10 September 2023

When “phobias" make sense

The wonderful professor Richard Dawkins. Oxford professor emeritus. He, that I’ve read every book of. (Is that even grammatical??)

I’m not sure why he’s addressed the issue of Islamophobia after all this time. But still, it’s welcome that he does. And redefines “phobia” as “a rational despising of” something. So, he can despise the throwing of homosexuals off roofs. The forced wearing of burkas. The forced genital mutilation. 

I’m guessing he’s going to cop it again. He doesn’t seem fazed though, when he sticks his head above the parapet and gets shot at. Heh!

My labels of “Islmaophobia” and “Burka” have been there since the beginning of this blog in 2009, but I haven’t used them for a long time. Funny, ins’t it, how things change. Times move on. But now -- Richard out of the woodwork! 

Also: it is, of course, true that to label the concern about aspects of any ideology as a “phobia” is silly and wrong. Even if they are effective at shutting down criticism. Which is why they do it. But in the case of Islam, it is an ideology, which has good and bad, with an awful lot of bad, and we must be able to criticise the bad, without being tarred as “phobes”. After all, we can criticise Fascism and Communism. But somehow Islam is supposed to be out of bounds. Even as it’s much more in evidence around us than those two horrors.