Rod Liddle in the Speccie, in top form again... "It's ok to mention anti-semitic attacks, but not who commits them".
Interesting that the Owen Jones Guardian article to which Rod refers has 3,000+ comments, but it was only some way down the comments that someone mentioned Islam was the reason for the bulk of anti-semitism in the UK and Europe....
Owen Jones himself, as Rod notes, doesn't even mention Islamic antisemitism. Ironic, given that the title of the post is "Anti-Jewish hatred is rising -- we must see it for what it is". Except that Jones doesn't see the single most important cause....
Many of his commenters call his article "brave". What's "brave" precisely, in noting a clear and rising phenomenon. It would have been brave, perhaps, if Jones had indeed seen anti-jewish hatred for what it is.... a manifestation of increasing Islamisation of the UK and Europe and the latest in long-standing anti-semitism in Islam. For which read Bostom's carefully researched and referenced "The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism".
Later: I'm just listening to BBC Worldservice radio: they note the increasing antisemitic phenomenon. They say it comes as much from the "far right" as from "certain sectors in the Muslim community". Actually, no. It's Islamic, stupid....
Interesting that the Owen Jones Guardian article to which Rod refers has 3,000+ comments, but it was only some way down the comments that someone mentioned Islam was the reason for the bulk of anti-semitism in the UK and Europe....
Owen Jones himself, as Rod notes, doesn't even mention Islamic antisemitism. Ironic, given that the title of the post is "Anti-Jewish hatred is rising -- we must see it for what it is". Except that Jones doesn't see the single most important cause....
Many of his commenters call his article "brave". What's "brave" precisely, in noting a clear and rising phenomenon. It would have been brave, perhaps, if Jones had indeed seen anti-jewish hatred for what it is.... a manifestation of increasing Islamisation of the UK and Europe and the latest in long-standing anti-semitism in Islam. For which read Bostom's carefully researched and referenced "The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism".
Later: I'm just listening to BBC Worldservice radio: they note the increasing antisemitic phenomenon. They say it comes as much from the "far right" as from "certain sectors in the Muslim community". Actually, no. It's Islamic, stupid....