Wednesday 24 April 2019

A tale of two narratives

Two narratives:
  1. Christchurch. Non-Muslim kills Muslims: it's all to do with white suprematism and we must spread the blame to all non-Muslims especially white people. Critics of Islam are islamophobes and have blood on their hands.
  2. Sri Lanka. Muslims kill non-Muslims: it's nothing to do with Islam or the broad mass of peaceful Muslims and to suggest otherwise, to suggest a motive from within Islam is to be an islamophobe. Shame on you, racist hater. We must all beware of the "backlash" against innocent Muslims.
Shorter narrative: when non-Muslims kill Muslims the victims are Muslims. When Muslims kill non-Muslims the victims are Muslims.
Perfect symmetry.
Reminds me of the Soviet-era joke. An American and Soviet meet in a bar. American boasts "we are a free country. We're free to criticise, even our president."
Soviet guy answers "we are also free. We're also free to criticise your president."
Shorter still: Heads I win; tails you lose.

Am I too bigoted? But... but... Maajid Nawaz, liberal reforming Muslim, says the same.

LATER: Another bit of symmetry....
Essentially, the Left’s rule is that nothing bad — no matter how true — may be said about Muslims or Islam and nothing good — no matter how true — may be said of Christians or Christianity.