Tuesday 2 April 2019

The Border Asylum Crisis - The WSJ

It isn't as simple as the Democrat line, "Trump seizes child asylum seekers". Or "Trump locks refugees in cages". Isn't he horrible?!
Of course it's not.
Many of the current problems result from unintended consequences of a liberal court. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which skews Left, has  made a number of rulings that encourage human traffickers ("coyotes"). Like the decision that children can only be kept in detention for twenty days and then have to be released into the United States. That's led the coyotes to team up unrelated children and adults. A scam, in other words. Some asylum seekers say they've been subject to "domestic abuse" and been waved through.
There's more in the article below, which strikes me as a fair and thorough summary of the situation. Bottom line is that it's gridlock on southern border immigration. Bad enough. But not due simply and solely to Trump. The hatred of Trump means there's nothing he can do or propose that the Democrats would support.
The Border Asylum Crisis