Monday 22 April 2019

CNN more neutral than Fox? Not

I’ve just watched Fox’s Chris Matthews interview Rudi Giugliani. It was hammer and tongs. Matthews hit Giugliani hard, coming across every bit as a partisan democrat. Then he had Adam Schiff in, “ pencil neck”, per Teump and a TDS-afflicted chair of the judiciary committee who has said he had “hard evidence” of collusion, none of which was found by Mueller.
And I’m recalling the CNN panel after the report dropped last week, nine CNN operatives, all repeating the talking points their boss had told them.
The contrast is startling. In short: if you want a balanced view, it’s Fox, not CNN.
Matthews has gone on to discuss the Mueller Report with a panel made up 50/50 Dems/GOP. Including Bob Woodward. You just don’t get that on the liberal media.
LATER: actually three out of four Dem supporters on his panel. That would be unheard of on CNN. (To have three out of four Reps).
Related: folks like Dave Rubin and Ben Shapiro repeatedly invite liberal politicians on their shows, usually they don’t even respond let alone show up.
So, where’s the bubble?