Tuesday 7 April 2020

‘Trump’s wish for end to lockdown is politically sound’ | Tom Plate, SCMP

Wow! First we that’s the left-of-centre The Atlantic with its story yesterday, (considering the possibility that “Trump May be right”), and today we have the regular Trump-basher, Prof Tom Plate, writing an article that runs under the above print version headline. (The online headline, here, is more equivocal. I don’t know why print and online headlines are so often so different).
ADDED: Having now actually read the article, I see that it’s more like damning with faint praise. Along the lines of “Trump is not incompetent, but more of an idiot, but still correct to want to seek an end to the lockdown sooner than later”. My own view is that we ought to be looking to phased shutdown of lockdowns ASAP. OECD says 50 million unemployed and it’s looking to be much higher. Half a million bankrupt businesses in China alone. This can’t go on. Politicians, not experts, are the ones who have to make the calls in this Meta Triage.
In a sincere effort to offer a dollop of sympathy for the American president caught in the vice of the coronavirus crisis, let’s start with a story about science policy and genius dolphins. It concerns the arrogance of scientists.
More than half a century ago, when the book publishing business was emboldened by larger-than-life editors such as Simon & Schuster’s Michael Korda, a short but unnerving book titled The Voice of the Dolphins came out – yes, from Simon & Schuster.
The article is here and free