Q: “Who’s read ANY of these books?” A: I’ve read all of them. As have most of the replies to the tweet |
“Who bans the most books?” Answer: the Left. Those above are all books banned by people on the Left.
Animal Farm and
Nineteen Eighty-four because they criticised Stalinism and authoritarian socialism.
Huckleberry Finn because it used the N-word.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest because it deals with mental health in ways modern theorist uncomfortable with.
Fahrenheit 451 because it’s about book burning…ironic, what?
The Scarlet Letter because it deals with an early version of “cancel culture”.
This censoriousness of the Left is reflected in their attitude to free speech on campus. By a margin of 71% to 13% — “very liberal” vs “very conservative” — students favour de-platforming speakers for potential “harm”, a nonsense hyperbole for views that they don’t agree with or simply make them feel uncomfortable.
The young and
un-woke are the real rebels these days. Because at universities it takes real courage to go against the tide, which floods very much to the Left. No ebb in sight.