Wednesday 4 September 2024

“It’s Biden and Kamala who are not doing enough for ceasefire and release of hostages” | Alan Dershowitz

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It was professor Alan Dershowitz who invented the term “Derangement Syndrome”, initially to describe fellow professor Noam Chomsky and how that grizzled ol’ US-hater’s scientific-linguistic brain became scrambled eggs when he talked of Israel. That was “Israel Derangement Syndrome” said professor Dershowitz.

It famously became Trump Derangement Syndrome soon after 2016, and now the professor talks of BDS — Bibi Derangement Syndrome, as in Bibi Netanyahu. This is a “BDS” in addition to the original BDS calling for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel.*

BDS — “Bibi Derangement Syndrome” version — is people who hate on Netanyahu. Who want to surrender to Hamas. Capitulationists

Many are well-meaning. But that doesn’t matter. Nor does it matter that they may number hundreds of thousands now demonstrating on the streets of Israel. Huge populations can be deluded. Naive. As are these luvvies, these major Israeli trade unions, demonstrating and doing “vigils” as lovingly described by Australia’s SBS. (SBS takes the side of Hamas, but lacks the guts to keep comments turned on).

Should the relatives of hostages demand ceasefire even if it means Israel loses the war? We can empathise with their anguish, we can feel their pain. But surely the ethical answer must be “no”. 

One’s own personal tragedy should not usurp national interests. Especially when those interests are, as now, existential. The very existence of Israel is in peril. The survival of the world’s only Jewish state, the most powerful democracy in the Middle East, a true multicultural, multi-religious melting pot, a beacon of freedom, must surely be more important than even the most painful personal suffering. 

And so I support Netanyahu. Rather more importantly the citizens of this remarkable country, this New Jersey-sized miracle, should support Bibi Netanyahu. For it is he who has a clear vision of what needs to be done to rid the world of Hamas. While the capitulationists may bring a temporary peace at the price of repeated October 7s. Repeated October 7s. Repeated…

I fear many Israelis won’t support him, for reasons of BDS, this Bibi Derangement Syndrome. And delusions of a peaceable enemy, illusions of a tractable jihadist death cult. This I blame, at least partly, on the Woke mind virus that affects our otherwise free democracies. Sigh…


* Theres another “BDS” floating in the minds of the delusional: “Binational, Democratic, Secular”, to describe a unicorn: “Palestine” stretching “from the River to the Sea”, incorporating the whole of Israel, Gaza, Judea and Samaria (the “West Bank”), ruled by Hamas (or the PA, which today is indistinguishable from Hamas), as a secular democracy, where Muslims and Jews, and all ethnicities are respected amd treated equally. Thus: “Binational, Democratic, Secular”. This is wholesale hallucination. An elephantine mass Delusion. Yet some Israel-haters cloak their Jew-hatred in this angelic image. This lunatic fantasy.

The bitter irony is that the single place where this unicorn most nearly exists is Israel itself. Where Arabs are the best treated minority in the whole of the near, far and Middle East.