Tuesday 18 April 2023

Can Sam Harris Pull Back From The Brink Of Covid Misinformation?

Sam, dear Sam, was for so many years my hero. Sam Harris. A man of reason. A man of logic. 

Then he went kind of crazy. Was broken by Trump. Serious TDS. He denies it. But it’s observably true. I’d stopped paying for his Waking Up podcast because of some crazy stuff he’d said about the SCOTUS nominee Bret Kavanaugh Senate hearings, stuff that bore no resemblance to due process, innocent until proven guilty, of taking the word of jezebels and their alleged of long-ago shenanigans, which later they retracted, all that did it for me. But still I came back and listened to him for three hours on Lex Fridman the other day, then for another hour with Megyn Kelly here and he’s got not one jot of self reflection or one iota of thought that maybe the reason so many people are pissed off with him is... his fault!

Here we have Rav Arora giving a full take down of Sam and his Covid mistakes

It was Sam wot revealed the true nature of the Democrats when he talked to the Triggernometry guys (short clip). He said that “it doesn’t matter” what you do about stopping Trump, even up to suppressing negative info about Biden, because Trump is “so dangerous”, it’s like an asteroid hurtling to the earth. His crimes -- he specifically mentioned Trump University’s failure -- make anything the Biden did like “a firefly to the sun”. I mean...