Thursday 6 April 2023

"Historic Arrest of Former President Donald Trump, with Alan Dershowitz, Charles Cooke & Ric Grenell” | Megyn Kelly

Alan Dershowitz is a liberal Democrat, professor Emeritus of Law at Harvard University for 50 years. He is not a Trump supporter. But he does represent him, because he is a supporter of the Constitution. 

This is bravery. 

“Any first year Law student could win this case on Appeal”. 

“Nobody gets indicted for misreporting hush money -- even the New York Times agrees. If you did that, there would be no Non Disclosure Agreements”. 

Quoting AG Robert Jackson in 1946: “Any prosecutor can rummage through the hundreds of statutes and the thousands of regulations and find something to pick on somebody with, and that would be the end of the rule of law in America”. Here

ADDED: “They have laboured mightily and they have produced a mouse”. Here. Even CNN calls the case “underwhelming”.

The indictment broken down, here