Monday 8 April 2024

Gabor Mate, another Jew-hating Jew


The speaker is Oren Cahanovitc, and he’s good on the facts and history that he speaks. Gabor Maté, by contrast, is a self-righteous solipsist, who, worse, is wrong on a lot of the history. To the grave harm of Israel and Israelis. So many Jews live in Canada and hate on Israel. It’s shocking to see. 

My question to him and his ilk is this: If you get the Ceasefire you demand, what then? What of Hamas? What of the hostages? What of the future of Israel? Or does that not matter? The Jews can just leave or be slaughtered? Give us your vision, your idea, of what happens in an Israel that ceases to fight against the most evil Nazis the world has seen, the HamaNazis.