Wednesday 17 April 2024

They know nothing


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Pro-Hamas luvvies demo with placards and slogans that they don’t know the meaning of. 

Some might complain: “but this is cherry-picked”.  Well, yes, in the sense that everything is cherry picked, everything is an editorials choice. Thing is, at these pro-Hamas demos, there’s plenty of cherries.

Konstantin Kisin of Triggernometry has walked with the demos as well. And here. So have many others. And they find the same. No-one seems to know anything about what the placards mean that they’re marching with. Ask them what “From the River to the Sea” means, and they don’t know. And we know that that’s widespread ignorance, because you get a group of gaggling girls all looking at each other, cause they don’t know. They all don’t know. 

The depth of ignorance among the zillions of protesters worldwide, in London, in New York, in Sydney, in Paris, is just staggering.