Thursday 18 April 2024

“Stephen A. Smith issues a warning about the Donald Trump trial” | Barry Cunningham


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Barry Cunningham is a conservative, ex football commentator. Stephen A. Smith is a liberal Democrat, Never Trumper. Who gives his fellow liberals a serve for bringing Trump to court over a bit of trivia, and not fighting him on the field. 

The Black vote is critical to the Democrats. It’s always been a Black Wall. No longer. It’s crumbling. From  near zero, the support for Trump from the Blacks community is around 30%. That gives Dems the heebie-jeebies. 

Not to mention the upset of working class Blacks in sanctuary cities like Chicago and New York, being forced out of housing and civic centres, by immigrants. Not a good look. There’s plenty out there. 

This is a newly happening thing: Black folks, on YouTube, attacking Democrats.